Fund Directory

HAF+WRCF's fund directory gives you a chance to explore some of the hundreds of funds managed by the Foundation.

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Accessibility Fund

This fund was created by a gift from Dolph Fursee to assist adults with disabilities with transportation and mobility. (1983)

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Adrian Joseph Romo Memorial Scholarship

Adrian Joseph Romo Memorial Scholarship

The Adrian Joseph Romo Memorial Scholarship supports Native Indigenous students enrolled in the Native American Center for Academic Excellence (ITEPP) at Humboldt State University that have completed at least one year in the program and display qualities of leadership and significant involvement with building and supporting the ITEPP student community. Scholarships will be available beginning in 2021.

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Adult Day Health Care of Mad River/Wellington Fund

Adult Day Health Care of Mad River/Wellington Fund

Adult Day Health Care of Mad River is a nonprofit organization established in 1985 for the purpose of providing care for frail elders and those 18 years or older who are dependent on others for their care. Adult Day Health Care participants receive individualized health care along with personal rehabilitation, planned activities, and involvement in numerous social events. The program provides respite for many families and caregivers. Jean Wellington was a volunteer at Adult Day Health Care of Mad River for 15 years. He is remembered as a kind, gentle man with a great sense of humor. Jean's passion for his fellow man is evidenced by his generous contribution given to Adult Day Health Care of Mad River, which will help fund various special projects and scholarships. (2010)

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Advocacy for Elders Fund

The purpose of this fund is to educate and support families in choosing a long-term elder care facility and to keep elders safe once they are living in the care facility. (2017)

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Albert & Irene Benzinger Memorial Scholarship Fund

Albert & Irene Benzinger Memorial Scholarship Fund

Albert was born in 1903, the third generation of his family in Humboldt County. Active in high school sports, he graduated from Eureka High School in 1921 and from UC Berkeley in 1926. His creative work in electrical engineering was cut short by the Depression and he returned to Eureka, eventually operating a radio and TV service business until retirement in 1968. In 1941, Albert married Irene Potter, a self-taught artist. In addition to painting, gardening, and politics, she loved sketching plans for compact and efficient houses. This scholarship, established by the Benzinger family, will recognize students eligible for membership in the Humboldt Pioneers Society who are graduates of Eureka High School and majoring or prepared to major in a field related to electronics or architecture. (2000)

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Alive Richard Scholarship Fund

Alive Richard Scholarship Fund

This scholarship fund was established by the Academy of the Redwoods community and the family of Alive Richard to memorialize his love of people, love of learning, and love of life. Alive had an exceptional thirst for knowledge and was accepting of all people regardless of their backgrounds and beliefs. With his contagious smile and kind heart he offered daily inspiration to his friends, teachers, and family. Funds will be allocated annually in the form of a scholarship for an Academy of the Redwoods graduate pursuing a college education. The first scholarship was awarded to a student in the graduating class of 2014. Additional contributions to this fund are welcome. (2012)

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All Children Read and Succeed Fund

All Children Read and Succeed Fund

The All Children Read and Succeed Fund, established in 2012 by Jim and Gail Griggs, supports early childhood literacy in Del Norte County. The vision and inspiration is that every child in Del Norte County will be a proficient reader. The fund targets tutoring programs to all children who are not at proficient levels for English Language Arts in the first, second, and third grades. (2012)

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Amie Haas LaBanca Emerging Artists Fund

Amie Haas LaBanca Emerging Artists Fund

Always nurturing the creative spirit of the young people around her, Amie Haas LaBanca spent her life encouraging everyone she met interested in any form of creative expression. The Haas-LaBanca family has established the Amie Haas LaBanca Emerging Artists Fund to create an endowed, sustainable scholarship award opportunity, similar to the opportunity Amie was given as a young student and artist---one that transformed and sustained her entire life, personally and professionally. This fund will support graduating students within the Arcata Arts Institute at Arcata High School who will be entering a field of study in the arts, regardless of grade point average, type of school, or enrollment status. (2014)

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Angela Stanley Memorial Fund

Angela Stanley Memorial Fund

She left the world better than she found it and she would want us to do the same. This fund has been established to receive contributions in memory of Angela Stanely and will be used to support community needs in Del Norte County in alignment with the many ways Angela was involved and impacted her community. 

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Anniversary Lodge #85, Arcata, California, Independent Order of Odd Fellows Scholarship Fund

Anniversary Lodge #85, Arcata, California, Independent Order of Odd Fellows Scholarship Fund

The Arcata Odd Fellows Scholarship Fund was created to memorialize and continue the Odd Fellows' commitment to the Arcata community. Scholarship awards are made annually to Arcata and McKinleyville High School graduates continuing their education at a community college or university and majoring in history. (1996)

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Anthony Joseph Bessette Memorial Fund

Anthony Joseph Bessette Memorial Fund

The family of Anthony Bessette established this fund to support a variety of charitable purposes in his honor and memory. Born in Eureka, CA, his life of 18 years was shared with friends and family, and his smile and warm personality left an imprint on the hearts of all who knew him. He lived life on his own terms and followed a unique path that valued friendship. He had talent for computer applications that amazed everyone. He was a member of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, attended local schools, and obtained his GED in 2007. The income from this fund shall be used to support youth programs that promote positive experiences for teens and encourage the celebration of life. (2008)

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Arcata Educational Endowment Fund

This endowment fund was established to promote and enhance the quality of education in Arcata's public schools by supporting educational projects not currently funded by school district general and categorical funds. Funded projects will represent extensions of teaching that challenge, inspire, and excite students at Arcata High School, Sunnybrae Middle School, Arcata Elementary School, and Pacific Union Elementary School. (1992)

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Arcata FFA Fund

The Arcata Future Farmers of America (FFA) Fund was established by the Arcata Friends of AG Club, which supports the Arcata FFA program. Income from this fund generates annual scholarships for Arcata High School FFA graduating students. (1996)

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Arcata Forest Fund

The Arcata Forest Fund provides a source for private donations to assist the city of Arcata in purchasing forest lands to be added to the Arcata Community Forest, the Sunny Brae Forest, and the Jacoby Creek Forest. Donations to this fund will go only towards the purchase and restoration of forest lands, and it will help the city leverage state and federal grants. Forest lands purchased through these funds preserve and expand open space around the city, and they will be managed for recreation, watershed and habitat protection, carbon sequestration, and sustainable forestry use. (2002)

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Arcata Foundation Fund

Arcata Foundation Fund

The Arcata Foundation Fund, established in 1987, is dedicated to the enhancement of community life in Arcata. The Arcata Foundation facilitates charitable giving and raises funds to support work in the areas of human services, education for all ages, art, culture, local history, healthful recreation, peace, and enhancement of local natural surroundings. (1995)

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Arcata High ’50s Fund

The Arcata High '50s Fund was created by contributions from each Arcata High School graduating class from the '50s. Funds will be used exclusively by the counseling and nursing departments for students in need. Any income remaining will be used to provide scholarships for students. (1994)

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Arcata High Baseball Fund

Arcata High Baseball Fund

The fund supports athletics at Arcata High School with an emphasis on facilities construction and maintenance, and other needs as they arise, for the Arcata High School baseball team

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Arcata House Endowment Fund

Arcata House Endowment Fund

The mission of Arcata House is to support people experiencing homelessness while they build a more stable life, to educate the community about housing issues, and to advocate on behalf of homeless people. The vision of Arcata House is a community where everyone has a safe and affordable place to live. Arcata House currently provides transitional housing to families and permanent supportive housing to individuals who are chronically homeless and disabled. The Arcata House Board of Directors opened this organizational endowment fund with a generous gift from Alex Stillman. It will eventually provide additional income for the important work of this nonprofit. (2008)

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Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary Endowment Fund

Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary Endowment Fund

The Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary Community Endowment Fund provides a source for community donations to assist the city of Arcata in the preservation, restoration, wildlife conservation, expansion, public access, and trail-maintenance of the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary. The endowment will serve to protect the natural beauty, habitats, walking trails, and environmental health of the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary for the enjoyment of all creatures, great and small. Funded projects may include but are not limited to: wetlands and riparian habitat restoration, trail maintenance, land purchase for marsh and trail expansion, climate change adaptation, required environmental appraisals, permits and reviews, or other projects which promote and protect the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary. Ongoing stewardship and oversight for the fund will be provided by the city of Arcata Environmental Services Department, Natural Services Division. (2017)

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Arcata Presbyterian Building Preservation Fund

Arcata Presbyterian Building Preservation Fund

This fund was created by the Arcata Presbyterian Church to renovate and preserve the historic structures built and dedicated in 1917, at 11th and G Streets in Arcata. The Church, founded in 1861, has served the community for more than 150 years. Today, it is used by local community groups for meetings, yoga, dancing, martial arts and as a regular rehearsal and performance space for the Arcata Interfaith Gospel Choir. The building and its grounds provide for a neighborhood garden, a weekly homeless lunch program, thrift shop and an extreme weather shelter. Whether you're attending an AA meeting, utilizing our indoor gym, worshiping, singing in the Gospel Choir, or taking children to Sunday school, the Church wants to provide an environment that is welcoming and encourages people to create community. Contributions go to maintaining the historic structures, keeping it open and available to all people as part of the organization's mission and service. (2019)

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Archie Bernardi Memorial Fund

Archie Bernardi Memorial Fund

Arcata Fire Chief Archie Bernardi spent more than six decades devoted to the Arcata Fire Protection District, right up to his passing on December 22, 2007, at the age of 93. According to District Chief John McFarland, "Archie was the Grandfather of CPR in all of Northern California, changing prior practices...that were primitive and totally ineffective." Because of Bernardi's leadership, Arcata was also the first fire district in the county to have rescue saws and Jaws of Life. Archie's sons, Mark and Gary, recall their father cooking for his family and the fire department volunteers. He grew in his garden many of the ingredients in his secret recipe for raviolis, and he also kept his favorite blackberry patch---the source for his famous blackberry pies---a secret. In addition to other gifts, Chief Bernardi created this fund by bequest for the protection and conservation of wildlife in Humboldt County. (2008)

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Area 1 Agency on Aging Senior Services Fund

Area 1 Agency on Aging Senior Services Fund

Area 1 Agency on Aging provides leadership and services that support older persons and those with disabilities through education, programs, advocacy, and volunteerism. Donations to this fund help support independence and quality of life for a growing population of local seniors, ensuring quality senior services for generations to come. (1997)

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Astraia Pulliam Memorial Scholarship Fund for Nursing

Astraia Pulliam Memorial Scholarship Fund for Nursing

Astraia Pulliam grew up in the town of Bonny Doon in the mountains of Santa Cruz, California. A bright and vibrant life, she set forth to spread the gift of health and healing, becoming a yoga instructor in San Francisco for several years. Along her journey she was blessed to become a mother to her cherished first born son. Her ambition to help heal never ceased, leading her to move to Humboldt County and attended College of the Redwoods nursing program. While raising her young son as a single mother, she completed her nursing degree in 2014. She started work on the Medical Surgical Unit at St. Joseph's Hospital, where she quickly gained a reputation as a dedicated and tender nurse who cared and advocated for all of her patients with loving kindness. One of her signature traits was her bright red lipstick. Astraia was the kind of nurse who went above and beyond, buying red lipstick for a patient who was in need of cheering up. Astraia was a beautiful person who had an amazing personality, a strong will, an infectious laugh and a smile that would make your day. She would smile her beautiful red lips at the thought that this scholarship is helping single moms achieve their goal of becoming nurses. (2019)

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Bancroft Scholarship Fund

Bancroft Scholarship Fund

This fund honors Dwight and Lavina Bancroft. Because of Dwight's involvement in music and the couple's shared commitment to business, scholarships are available to local students majoring in business administration or music at Humboldt State University. Lavina established this fund in 1985 in Dwight's memory. With Lavina's death in 1995, the fund now honors both Dwight and Lavina. (1985)

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Bauriedel Family Fund

Bauriedel Family Fund

John Bauriedel was a highly respected teacher at Eureka High School, as well as a successful businessman. John's wife Phyllis passed away on August 20, 2006. Fund income enriches programs offered to children at the Humboldt County Library in Eureka. (1983)

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Beal Family Scholarship Fund

The Beal Family Scholarship was established by William and Angelica Beal in memory of four young people who lost their lives that same year. The Beal family intends to give $1,000 to a graduating Ferndale High School senior each year to help that student achieve their college education goals. (2008)

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Beginnings Incorporated Fund

Beginnings Incorporated Fund

Education and community are important and synonymous with Beginnings Inc. This fund was established to continue the mission of supporting educational opportunities and encouraging community services. Beginnings is community based and guided by its membership. This fund will support the ongoing use and maintenance of the buildings and property and the long-range planning and organizational objectives. (2015)

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Betty Chinn Fund for the Homeless

Betty Chinn Fund for the Homeless

Betty grew up homeless in China, but for the past 25 years she has been a tireless advocate and caretaker to Humboldt County's homeless and underserved populations. Twice a day, nearly 365 days a year, Betty delivers meals and coffee to hundreds of people. Betty also provides toiletries, clothing, phone cards, bus tickets, blankets, and a host of other items. In addition, Betty supports the St. Vincent de Paul--Betty Chinn public showers and is currently focusing on developing Betty's Place: a community center where the homeless can find comfort and connect to community. In 2008, California First Lady Maria Shriver presented Betty with the prestigious Minerva Award. In 2010, President Obama gave Betty the second highest civilian honor in the US, the Presidential Citizens Medal. Betty will be the first to say that it is the generous community that enables her outreach. All funds go directly to serving those in need. Visit (2008)

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Big Brothers Big Sisters of the North Coast Endowment Fund

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the North Coast Endowment Fund

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the North Coast (BBBSNC) was founded in 1969 as a nonprofit organization with the purpose of forming meaningful one-to-one relationships between caring, responsible adults and children facing adversity. Since that time, BBBSNC has served thousands of youth between the ages of 6 and 18 as the premier mentoring organization in Humboldt County. The vision of BBBSNC is that all children can achieve success in life. The income from this fund is used as a sustainable resource to create and support quality "Big-Little" matches on the North Coast. (1997)

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Building Up Down Syndrome (B.U.D.S.) Fund

The Building Up Down Syndrome (B.U.D.S.) Fund was established by Harold & Norma McClary to provide enrichment activities for people with Down Syndrome who reside in Humboldt, Del Norte, Trinity or Curry counties. Eligible expenses may include but are not limited to: transportation/travel, technology purchases, event tickets, private lessons/classes, music & art supplies, etc. Individuals are eligible to receive a grant once every five years. Applications must be made through a qualified sponsor, such as a teacher, employer, social services agency, or a nonprofit organization. This sponsor will help to administer the funds that are granted. Questions about the application process or release of funds should be directed to Humboldt Area Foundation at (707) 442-2993. You can also email inquiries to To apply, please visit, and scroll down to the B.U.D.S. Fund application (2024)

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Cal-Ore Life Flight N661TC Flight Team Memorial Fund

Cal-Ore Life Flight N661TC Flight Team Memorial Fund

On July 29, 2016, a Cal-Ore Life Flight air medical plane crashed in northern California while transporting a patient to care. There were no survivors. In addition to the patient, there were three Cal-Ore Life Flight personnel on board: Pilot Larry Mills, Flight Nurse Deborah Kroon, RN, CCRN, and Certified Flight Paramedic Michelle Tarwater, FP-C, NREMT-P. To honor the fallen crew members who gave their lives being of service to others, a memorial scholarship fund has been established to support education for aviation, flight nursing, and flight paramedics in Curry and Del Norte counties.

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Caldwell & Sund Family Trust

Caldwell & Sund Family Trust

Kevin Caldwell and Donna Sund-Caldwell moved to Crescent City from Southern California in 1984. Both family physicians, they decided that Del Norte County was a great place to live and to raise their three children, Marisa, Dylan, and Connor, who have now all successfully moved on to college educations. Kevin and Donna continue to operate their own family medicine practice, Redwood Medical Offices. Throughout the years, they have been involved in the local community in innumerable ways, with a focus on providing cultural and academic opportunities that create a nurturing environment for their own children, as well as all children of the area. This endowment has been created to ensure financial stability in this continuing community participation and enrichment. (2006)

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Carol Ann Harrison Memorial Scholarship Fund

Carol Ann Harrison Memorial Scholarship Fund

Carol Harrison was a freelance journalist and women's collegiate basketball coach who lived in Humboldt County for 30 years. After earning her degrees in political science from UC Davis (BA) and journalism from UC Berkeley (MJ), Harrison spent 25 years at three colleges as a women's basketball coach; 16 of those years at Humboldt State. At 48, she returned to her roots to successfully coordinate an election campaign to pass a local bond measure and then became the health, education and travel section editor for The Eureka Reporter. After the paper folded, Carol split her time between freelance journalism, college teaching, marketing/PR consultation for local nonprofits, and working for Area 1 Agency on Aging. To honor Carol and her love of writing, this scholarship will be awarded to a Humboldt County female graduating high school senior planning to attend a four-year college or university to study journalism or communications. A preference will be given to print journalists. (2018)

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Carol Lee Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established via a gift from the Estate of Carol Lee to benefit students pursuing careers focusing on social policy issues including civil rights, inequality, racism, immigration and the environment who are from the City of Ferndale and surrounding area. (2022)

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Cascade Fund

The Cascade Fund is a memorial fund to honor a teen's passion for a more loving world through making support available to those who want it. Funds raised will be used to facilitate effective support for LGBTQ+ individuals. This will include community building work as well as meeting individual physical and mental health needs.

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Christine and Jalmer Berg Foundation Fund

Christine and Jalmer Berg Foundation Fund

The Berg Foundation is a charitable corporation devoted to providing, at the discretion of its board of trustees, funds to organizations or individuals nationwide for medical research, and on a local level to those dealing with the welfare of needy people and animals. (2017)

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Clinton D. Rebik Memorial Fund

Clinton D. Rebik Memorial Fund

Clinton D. Rebik was a pillar of the Humboldt community in many ways. A beacon of familiarity and love throughout his entire life, he was passionate about making Humboldt, and specifically its institutions of learning, a place for all to feel comfortable and strong no matter the background. Clint was incredibly thoughtful and inclusive, making all those he touched feel as though they were his best friend. This scholarship was established by his family, intended to aid the higher learning of Humboldt students and residents. Donations are always welcome.

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Cole Family Fund

Cole Family Fund

This fund was established by Donn and Judy Cole and Mick and Janice (Cole) Miller to honor our parents G. Milton (Coley) and Gladys Cole, and our grandparents George Jacob and Edith Cole, and William and Georgiana Allen, pioneers of our area. The purpose of the fund is to support the efforts of CASA in Humboldt County. (2017)

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Conservation Unlimited Internship Fund

Conservation Unlimited Internship Fund

The Conservation Unlimited Student Internship will annually support a Cal Poly Humboldt undergraduate student as a summer biological intern stationed at the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The selected intern will assist refuge staff during biological monitoring, wetland management activities and will collaborate with other refuge interns on conservation oriented projects. Conservation Unlimited Alumni Association (CUAA) has established this student internship in memory of Dr. Stanley "Doc" Harris. As a renowned ornithologist and professor at Cal Poly Humboldt, Doc was a legendary mentor for generations of wildlife students who are now leaders in natural resource conservation throughout the United States. This internship not only commemorates Doc's legacy but also advances his vision of providing undergraduates with immersive, hands-on learning experiences. (2023)

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Cooperative Community Fund

Cooperative Community Fund

The Cooperative Community Fund (CCF) is a permanent endowment established and directed by members of the North Coast Cooperative, which awards grants to support projects and the work of community organizations in Humboldt County. Through collaborative grantmaking, the fund seeks to strengthen the community by emphasizing projects and activities that promote democratic cooperative principles, community development, and food security. (1990)

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COVID-19 Regional Response Fund

COVID-19 Regional Response Fund

The COVID-19 Regional Response Fund will support urgent community needs identified by our regional partners. The fund will make grants on a rolling basis to nonprofits, charitable organizations and public agencies meeting the immediate needs of residents in Trinity, Humboldt, Del Norte and Curry counties. The Fund's priority is vulnerable communities and the organizations that support them. Currently, this includes organizations and service providers serving first responders and healthcare providers; seniors; low-income families and youth; low-access residents; individuals with underlying conditions; disabled; veterans; homeless, housing or food insecure; Native Americans; at-risk communities of color; and those with limited or no healthcare resources.

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Craig & Lisa Hansen/Hansen’s Insurance Scholarship

Craig & Lisa Hansen/Hansen’s Insurance Scholarship

Craig and Lisa Hansen support a strong local workforce where individuals and families earn a good living as skilled mechanics, carpenters, and truck drivers or other "blue collar" trades. The fund provides scholarships to eligible graduating seniors from McKinleyville, Arcata, Eureka, Fortuna, Ferndale or St. Bernard's high schools to pursue "blue collar" skills through trade or vocational courses at a two-year college or university. One or more sports scholarships will also be awarded as the Scott Eskra Sports Scholarship to graduating seniors at Eureka and/or Fortuna high schools for baseball or softball. Scott, who passed away at age 42, was known by locals as a great friend and avid baseball player. From T-Ball through Little League and college, his dream was to play for the Humboldt Crabs. He did, hitting a homerun his first time at bat. In 2015, Scott was inducted into the Humboldt Crabs Hall of Fame. (2018)

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Curtis R. & Helen M. Anderson Scholarship Fund

Curtis R. & Helen M. Anderson Scholarship Fund

Curt and Helen Anderson, both native to Humboldt County, chose Eureka as their lifelong home. Curt was the son of a Norwegian sea captain who sailed the lumber trade for the Carson Lumber Company. During WWII, Curt held to his seafaring tradition by sailing in the US Merchant Marines. He ended his working career still involved with the sea as an employee of Westfall Stevedore Company. Helen M. (Aitken) Anderson, born in Fields Landing, was also of Danish and Norwegian heritage. Throughout their lifetimes they celebrated their heritage with active participation in the Sons of Norway Lodge. Both also shared a deep appreciation for Humboldt Bay's cultural diversity, its richness of personal histories, and its abundance of good friends and family. They were pleased to leave a lasting legacy, a small return for the abundance that Humboldt County provided them during their lifetimes. (2011)

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David A. Silverbrand Memorial Scholarship Fund

David A. Silverbrand Memorial Scholarship Fund

David A. Silverbrand was a legendary journalist on the North Coast. His career was inspired by his high school English teacher, who sent him to cover a town council meeting in his native Salinas, California hometown. Dave earned a BA degree in journalism from San Jose State University and an MA in English from Humboldt State University. He spent nearly two decades working as a broadcast reporter in Portland, Maine before moving to the North Coast and working as the news anchor for KVIQ-6 in Eureka. He taught journalism classes at College of the Redwoods, wrote a column for the Times-Standard newspaper entitled "Dave's People," and authored a number of books, more recently, "Dave's House" and "Dave's House II." Dave had a wonderful sense of humor and a zest for life and was passionate about meeting people and presenting his stories.

This fund is set up in his honor with the goal of assisting a journalism student at Cal Poly Humboldt to pursue a career in journalism that can draw inspiration from Dave's life and career. (2023)

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David Nathan “Gypsy” Chain Memorial Scholarship Fund

David Nathan “Gypsy” Chain Memorial Scholarship Fund

David Nathan Chain was a young forest activist killed in 1998 while trying to prevent illegal logging in an Earth First! action near Grizzly Creek in the Van Duzen River valley. Childhood friends in Texas remember David as a gentle, loving man who considered becoming a chiropractor. Traveling to Humboldt County in the midst of the timber controversy, David learned tree-climbing and nonviolent protest tactics; he took the wood's name "Gypsy." The story of his vibrant life and tragic death at 24 is documented in 'A Good Forest For Dying,' by Patrick Beach (2004). On the 20th anniversary of Gypsy's death, community leaders, friends, and fellow activists established this fund to provide an annual scholarship for a local high school senior or first year student at Humboldt State University or College of the Redwoods who has demonstrated commitment to issues of forest ecology through volunteer and/or academic projects. (2018)

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David Riley Anderson Memorial Fund

David Riley Anderson Memorial Fund

David Anderson, a Times-Standard veteran reporter and community activist, passed away in January of 2002 at the early age of 61. David's newspaper career stretched over three decades. During that time he acquired a reputation as an eloquent commentator on Humboldt County news issues. He also had true passion for the theater and bird watching, and he helped pioneer the Pacific Arts Center Theater. David acted in several Shakespeare plays and had a natural stage presence with his New England--tinged, maple-thick baritone, his Falstaff beard, and his mountainous figure. Friends of David considered him to be a true gentleman, an incredibly knowledgeable and gentle person who cared deeply. David's family from the East Coast established this fund to purchase a bench at the Arcata Marsh in his memory and to award an annual scholarship to a student studying creative writing. (2002)

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David’s Haunted Manor Scholarship Fund

David's Haunted Manor Scholarship Fund was created to support education to Del Norte County residents. Many of our volunteers are youth who go on to higher education. We hope to provide support to anyone in Del Norte who is trying to further their education.

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Dee Ann Gruhn Memorial Scholarship Fund

Dee Ann Gruhn Memorial Scholarship Fund

Frank and Millie Gruhn established this scholarship in memory of their daughter Dee Ann. An Arcata native, she graduated from Arcata High School and Humboldt State University, where she was a hard worker and an excellent student. Dee Ann became a certified public accountant and maintained an interest in history and art as well as traveling and golf. To encourage and recognize the academic achievements of girls like Dee, this college scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating Arcata High girl planning to major in business management, preferably accounting. Millie passed away in September of 2004. (1996)

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Delia Scholarship

Delia Scholarship

This scholarship, to be awarded for the first time in 2021, is for Humboldt County high school graduates or continuing college students who are studying poetry, creative writing or the visual arts. Priority is given to Indigenous/Native students and other students of color. (2019)

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Dennis & Margaret Guckeen Scholarship Fund

Dennis & Margaret Guckeen Scholarship Fund

Dennis and Margaret Guckeen were married on June 14, 1969, and were married for 38 years before Dennis passed away on July 14, 2007. They were both local high school graduates; Dennis graduated from St. Bernard's High School and Margaret from McKinleyville High School. They pursued teaching careers at HSU, Dennis graduating with degrees in physics and math, and Margaret with a degree in psychology. Their teaching careers spanned 33 years, each with the Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified School District. Dennis was honored with the Jean Olsen Career Achievement Award in 2000. Dennis and Margaret were both members of the Willow Creek Kiwanis Club for many years. From 2006 to 2007, Dennis served as lieutenant governor for Division 20, with Margaret as division secretary. The fund established in their name will provide an educational scholarship as well as support the Kiwanis Family House, the Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation, Evergreen Lodge, and the American Cancer Society. (2017)

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Derek Parker Memorial Fund

Derek Parker Memorial Fund

Derek Wayne Parker was born August 20, 1990 in Eureka, CA to John W. Parker and Suzanne E. Olson. He was a graduate of Eureka High School and attended College of the Redwoods. Growing up, Derek's focus was always on sports, especially baseball. He learned from the two coaches in his life; his Grandpa Wayne and his dad. He could recite from memory team players, their stats, what teams won in what division in what year. His favorite sports teams were all in "The Bay": S.F. Giants, Golden State Warriors and the San Francisco 49ers. He would travel to watch them play every chance he got.  Derek was in a tragic car accident and died from his injuries on September 11, 2016. He was 26 years old. 

In keeping with his passion, Derek's grandparents, Robert Gish & Joan Rainwater-Gish, along with their family, have established a memorial fund to honor his memory. Advising Derek's fund are his mother and sister, Kasidy. Whatever the need (cleats, uniforms, travel expenses, equipment), this fund has been set up in hopes of inspiring local youth athletes, who are playing just for fun or who excel in their sport to “Just Do It!"

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Disaster Response & Resilience Fund

Disaster Response & Resilience Fund

The Disaster Response & Resilience Fund supports residents of Humboldt, Trinity, Del Norte, and Curry counties, as well as adjoining Tribal lands during current and future disasters, including public health emergencies such as the COVID19 pandemic, fires, earthquakes, flooding, and other natural and human-made disasters. Grants are made to nonprofit agencies, public benefit organizations (schools, government agencies, federally recognized Tribes, etc.), charitable organizations and groups with a qualified fiscal sponsor. There is no written application process, and we strive to have funds in place for both immediate disaster response and to help communities become more resilient in the face of future disasters.

If you are seeking support from the fund, visit:

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Disc Golf Development Fund

Disc Golf Development Fund

The Disc Golf Development Fund was created by Par Infinity Disc Golf Club to promote and cultivate the sport of disc golf in Humboldt County. Disc golf is a sport that can be enjoyed by a wide variety of people. As the popularity of the sport grows worldwide we will continue its growth locally as well. In doing so, the bounty of free and accessible recreational opportunities in the county will increase. This will be accomplished through the three goals of the fund: 1. Promote and create youth disc golf programs and events. 2. Encourage and fund local course development. 3. Purchase property for a disc golf course/complex.

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Don & Bettie Albright Endowment Fund

Don & Bettie Albright Endowment Fund

Don grew up in Fresno, CA. He enlisted in the marines, serving as flight engineer on a PBY. Upon his discharge he worked for PG&E for 43 years. Don was a mover and a shaker of the community, serving as president of Eureka Chamber of Commerce, United Way, Humboldt Economic Development and West Coast Alliance, as well as on the boards of Humboldt Area Foundation, Humboldt Taxpayers League, City of Eureka Visitors & Convention Bureau, Eureka Historical Society, Boy Scouts, Ingomar Club, and as a member of Eureka Downtown Rotary, Northcoast Vintage Aviation, and Marine Corps League. Don & Bettie served together on the first jazz festival committee of Eureka. Don loved woodworking as a hobby. He was a devoted husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. Don passed away on March 5, 2008. He and Bettie had a wonderful life together and wanted to share this discretionary fund with others. (2008)

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Donor Circle Fund

Donor Circle Fund

The Donor Circle is a newly formed anonymous gathering of residents with an above average ability to give. We are dedicated to exploring responsible philanthropy in a world of widening racial, gender, and economic inequities. We are also dedicated to using our collectively donated funds to more effectively impact the root causes of poverty, hunger, and lack of opportunity for children, families, and elders in Humboldt County. (2018)

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Dr. Richard J. Wolf Memorial Fund

Dr. Richard J. Wolf Memorial Fund

Dr. Richard Wolf was a celebrated local nephrologist who first brought dialysis treatment to Humboldt County in the late 1970s. The Dr. Richard J. Wolf Memorial Fund continues Dr. Wolf's legacy of care for residents from all corners of the region by pursuing giving opportunities that address structural barriers to health. Funding priorities include transportation to medical services, medical monitoring devices, and programs that promote indigenous approaches to health and well-being. (2016)

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Dylan Wade Ruiz Memorial Scholarship Fund

Dylan Wade Ruiz Memorial Scholarship Fund

Dylan Wade Ruiz died in a tragic vehicle accident on October 16, 2014 at the young age of 23 years old. A gay man who lived for dancing and performing to the many varieties of music he loved, Dylan was naturally creative and every performance was a masterpiece. Every detail was considered for maximum effect---costumes, make-up, props, and choreography alike. He performed many styles of dance at multiple venues and community events. Whether dancing at a night club with his friends, twerking, fire-dancing, performing burlesque or drag, or singing with the Arcata Youth Choir, he was "all-in." He was thrilled to perform for one person or hundreds of people, solo or in a company of like-minded entertainers. Dylan would be thrilled that his legacy helps LGBT youth pursue their passion in the performing arts. (2014)

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Edith & James A. “Jim” Howard Scholarship Fund

Edith & James A. “Jim” Howard Scholarship Fund

Jim Howard, born in 1915 in Athens, GA, came to Eureka at the age of 3 months. A member of the first black family in Eureka---the Turks---Jim attended Eureka City Schools. A self-employed Eureka businessman for over 36 years, Jim was a well-liked and respected member of the community. He was a member of the Eureka City Council for 18 years (1972--1990), including three terms as vice mayor. Jim also served three years on the Eureka Housing Authority. He was a member of the Eureka Chamber of Commerce, and served as vice president of the Rotary Club of Eureka. Jim also was the president of the Eureka NAACP. Jim and Edith Howard were married for 39 years, until Edith's death in 1987. Scholarship recipients are African-American graduates of Eureka High School or St. Bernard's High School with a 3.0 grade point average who have been accepted into a college or university. (1995)

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EHS Class of ’56 Richard Ames Music Scholarship Fund

A group of classmates of the Eureka High School (EHS) Class of 1956 has established this advised endowment fund to honor Richard Ames for his many years of dedication to the welfare of their class. Income from this fund provides an annual scholarship to an outstanding music student at EHS. (2001)

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Eleanor “Gram” Sullivan Memorial Scholarship Fund

Scholarships support students entering college or vocational school for the first time who graduated from McKinleyville High School, with a preference for demonstrated service to community and those entering trade school including, but not limited to, building trades, automotive, or cosmetology. GPA is not considered, and preference is given to applicants with greatest financial need. (2023)

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Eli & Jacob Lyons Memorial Scholarship Fund

Eli & Jacob Lyons Memorial Scholarship Fund

Eli Lyons was a native of Arcata. A quiet young man with a lifelong love of the outdoors, Eli loved to fish and spent his happiest hours on the local rivers. An exemplary student, Eli planned on pursuing a career in the field of marine biology. He was active in sports, lettering in football and basketball at Arcata High School and receiving All-County honors for football in 1993. This fund was established in Eli's name for scholar-athletes graduating from Arcata High School who are planning to attend a four-year college or university and major in the biological sciences. Eli's brother Jacob passed away in 2008 just before his 24th birthday. Jacob was a kind and gentle young man who struggled as a young adult to make sense of his brother's death. He discovered an interest and talent for woodworking in high school, going on to work in local woodworking shops after his high school graduation. Memorial gifts in Jacob's name have been used to purchase a bench for the Arcata Community Forest and to plant a tree at the Humboldt Botanical Garden. A scholarship was established to help Arcata High School graduates pursue ongoing education in the area of industrial technology. (1995)

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Elizabeth Florence Gupton Memorial Fund

Elizabeth Florence Gupton Memorial Fund

"The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long" ---Lao Tzu. On Nov. 25, 2015, the world lost one of its brightest flames when Elizabeth Florence Gupton passed from this world into the next. Lizzie, as she was known, made this world a better place on January 15, 1998, by joining her loving family and beginning her journey on the North Coast. In the fleeting time she was with us, Lizzie filled every day with love, smiles, warmth and her laughter. From elementary school to junior high and finally at Eureka High School, those of us blessed enough to know her watched as she blossomed from the shy wallflower to the goofy and sarcastic person that made all of us better for knowing her. This fund will support the Betty Chinn Fund for the Homeless and has been collected by friends and family in honor of her unforgettable life. (2016)

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Ellis Family Fund

Ellis Family Fund

Giving back to this community is a value of the Ellis family. They established this expendable donor-advised fund because the family cares about the children of this community. This fund will help to support programs focused on health, youth, and education in our community. Mark Ellis will be the advisor, assisted by his children Steven and Jessica. They are hoping that gifts from the fund will enhance the already wonderful North Coast. (2016)

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Endowment for Eco-Cultural Revitalization Fund

Endowment for Eco-Cultural Revitalization Fund

This fund is dedicated to program support for Tribal partnerships focusing on eco-cultural revitalization activities. Its focus is to reconnect the hearts, hands, and minds of people to the natural environment. The cultural relationships of indigenous peoples with their ancestral homeland environments are becoming more imperiled with each generation. Indigenous knowledge is founded in practice and belief; without being a component of ecosystem process, the functional role of humans is removed from our landscapes. Traditional Ecological Knowledge, practice, and belief systems can be revitalized, and it may be our best chance at learning to live with fire in our rural communities once again. It is with great hope this fund will grow to support our work in the western Klamath Mountains and beyond. When you think of water, fish, wildlife, plants, and people in partnership with ecosystem processes and functions, please support this endowment fund. (2016)

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EPIC Del Norte Chapter Fund

Del Norte County is worth protecting. From the towering redwoods and cold, clean waters of the coast to the dry, serpentine wild lands of the interior, Del Norte County is verdant and teeming with diverse life. The Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) advocates for the protection and restoration of Northwest California's wild places and wildlife, using an integrated, science-based approach, combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation. EPIC's Del Norte Chapter focuses its energy towards building a grassroots environmental community and engaging decision makers to protect this most remote and pristine corner of California. The EPIC Del Norte Chapter Fund was established in 2020 through a generous donation by Eileen Cooper of Crescent City, a lifelong activist who helped to safeguard Del Norte County. (2020)

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Equity Alliance of the North Coast

Equity Alliance of the North Coast

Humboldt County prides itself on being a very connected and welcoming community. The truth is that many people of color in Humboldt communities feel unsafe, unwelcome and experience discrimination -- in short, their experiences are not equitable to those of people who identify as white. Most of us don’t want that to be true. However, we can’t change this unless we understand how these differences manifest individually, institutionally and collectively, and address racial inequities across organizations and at every level of society. That’s why we have taken on a multi-year initiative to do just that: The Equity Alliance of the North Coast.

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Eric A. and Karene L. Shields Fund

Eric and Karene started their lives together while attending Humboldt State University and, after a life raising amazing children and having an adventure or two, felt fortunate to leave a legacy supporting causes close to their hearts. This fund supports annual gifts for mental health advocacy and services in Humboldt, Trinity, Del Norte, and Inyo Counties, all in California; the protection, preservation and habitat conservation of Sandhill Cranes populations in Nebraska and neighboring states; and the Mothorn-Reid-Corbitt Family Fund at the Idaho Community Foundation.

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Eugenio & Maria Adorni Memorial Fund

Harry Adorni made a $50,000 bequest to the Foundation as a memorial to his parents. Concerned with support of the terminally ill, Harry Adorni directed that this fund benefit Hospice of Humboldt. (1988)

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Eureka Symphony Endowment Fund

Eureka Symphony Endowment Fund

Founded in 1991, the Eureka Symphony is a community orchestra dedicated to providing high quality music, performed, supported and appreciated by all ages, bringing enrichment to musicians and our community. To provide this music, the Eureka Symphony brings the finest local musicians together to share the joys and rigors of presenting live symphonic music, giving the community the opportunity to join in this life-changing experience. Outstanding guest artists are featured, often including many who began their professional life on the North Coast. The Eureka Symphony also works hand in hand with the Humboldt County Office of Education to bring students to special live symphony performances and sends small ensembles to local schools so that students can experience the musicians and instruments in their own classrooms. Live classical music makes life better, one note at a time?for players and audiences! 

The Eureka Symphony Endowment Fund was established in the Symphony's silver anniversary year thanks to the generosity of music lovers who wanted part of their legacy to be a thriving, sustainable orchestra for many years to come. While the Eureka Symphony continues to rely upon ticket sales, small donations, fundraisers and grants to cover the expense of running a regional orchestra and providing its unique educational outreach, this Eureka Symphony Endowment Fund will help ensure the longterm viability of the orchestra and help the Eureka Symphony to refine and expand its ability to serve its community of musicians, audiences, youth and seniors. The Eureka Symphony will be forever grateful to the legacy donors contributing to this fund and their love of the symphony. (2022)

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Fern Cottage Fund

Fern Cottage Fund

Fern Cottage House Museum is our local history museum displaying a collection of artifacts and other objects of artistic, cultural, and historical importance to the Eel River Valley and Humboldt County. Fern Cottage Historic House Museum makes this available for public viewing through permanent or temporary exhibits during regular hours throughout the year. The mission of Fern Cottage Foundation is to provide a solid financial basis to preserve, maintain, and promote Fern Cottage Historic House Museum through expanded community awareness and involvement, increased educational opportunities, and celebration of its historic value.

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Fortuna Elementary School District Arts Fund

Fortuna Elementary School District Arts Fund

This fund is to be used for programs, instruction, activities, or field trips that encourage, teach, or explore all areas of the arts: music, dance, drawing, painting, writing and drama. All programs, instruction or field trips supported by this fund are for the enrichment of students enrolled in the Fortuna Elementary School District. These funds are to be used for students enrolled at Ambrosini Elementary, South Fortuna Elementary, Fortuna Middle School and Toddy Thomas Middle School. (2019)

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Fortuna High School Scholarship Fund for the MECHA Club

To provide one annual $10,000 scholarship for a graduating high school senior at Fortuna Union High School heading to a 4 year university with a preference for students who participated in MECHA Club at Fortuna High School.

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Freshwater Grange Fund

Freshwater Grange Fund

Since 1885, Freshwater Grange Hall has been a vital hub for the Freshwater community, serving as a meeting space, event venue, educational & lecture hall. We are the primary auditorium for Garfield Elementary School, hosting Garfield School plays, graduation ceremonies, concerts, and fundraisers.

Freshwater Grange is committed to revitalizing our historic dance hall to preserve its legacy for future generations and to enhance its role as a community asset. Our vision aims to renovate our hall, integrating 21st-century amenities with the building’s enduring 19th-century charm. These enhancements will expand the ways in which we are able to serve the community, provide an improved resource for Garfield School students, as well as equip the hall to be a hub for the Freshwater Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.).

Freshwater Grange encourages people to come together by providing educational activities, community safety programs, social gatherings, communal meals, and more. We believe that every person should have the opportunity to contribute to and be supported by a strong and vibrant community. We are a nonpartisan, fraternal organization and a member of the CA State Grange.

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Friel Family Scholarship Fund

The purpose of the Friel Family Scholarship Fund is to recognize an outstanding Eureka High School graduating senior who intends to major in English at University of California or California State University schools. Selection of the award winner is to be made by the chairperson of Eureka High School, along with the support and cooperation of the high school's English faculty. Preference is given to a student who not only excels in the study of English, but who has also been active in Eureka High School's music program. (2009)

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Friends of the Arcata Marsh Fund

Friends of the Arcata Marsh Fund

Friends of the Arcata Marsh Fund (FOAM) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1989 to raise funds for the construction of the Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center. FOAM continues as an all-volunteer organization dedicated to raising awareness of wetlands, wildlife, and wastewater treatment as seen at the Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary. Wastewater treatment was the impetus in the marsh formation in the 1970s, but over time the hiking trails, the 300+ species of birds, the funding of scholarships and research, and the public tours every Saturday at 2pm have all become important parts of this community asset. FOAM has also aided the city of Arcata in invasive plant removal and other projects, such as building an outdoor amphitheater and a native plant garden. This fund is dedicated to the long-term health of the natural jewel that is the Arcata Marsh and to people who enjoy interacting with nature. (2016)

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Friends of the Eel River Fund

Friends of the Eel River Fund

Friends of the Eel River was established in 1995 to recover the Wild and Scenic Eel River, its fisheries, and communities. 

From its grassroots beginnings, Friends of the Eel River has grown to be a principled organization guided by science and using litigation and advocacy to accomplish major victories for the river. In pursuit of their mission to recover Eel River fisheries, FOER has programs in various regions of the 3,600 square mile watershed from its headwaters to the estuary. 

A core organizational focus has always been to remove the dams in the Eel River headwaters and restore fish passage to the hundreds of miles of prime spawning habitat blocked for more than a century. 

This goal is closer than ever to being realized, and Friends of the Eel River is honored to serve a pivotal role in such monumental change for the river, its native fish, and our community. 

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Fulkerson Family Fund

Fulkerson Family members believe that everyone is intrinsically talented. Encouragement comes in many forms and from surprising sources and serendipitous events. Julie Fulkerson and Lynn Evans created this fund to sustain creativity in our communities. Contributions to this fund will be directed to local projects and individuals who promote equality, education, arts, music, theatre, healthy environments, neighborhoods and communities. (2022)

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Fund to Support Trinidad Area Native Cultures

Fund to Support Trinidad Area Native Cultures is designed to honor the local Indigenous peoples by investing in their future. Trinidad is an important location to the Yurok people and is home to the Tsurai Village, located in the Parker Creek area immediately above the beach on the south side of the town. The surrounding area is also a very important part of Yurok past, present, and future. Many people come from around the world and within a 300-mile radius to appreciate the natural environment. This fund is a way to increase people's awareness of the cultural component as well.  This fund is supported by local businesses and individuals who recognize the fact that they are located on Yurok lands and see the value in contributing to its people's success. (2019)

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Gary Madsen Trade School Scholarship Fund

Gary Madsen Trade School Scholarship Fund

Gary Madsen was a multi-talented man who possessed a natural curiosity of how things worked and the world around him. Gary combined skills in multiple trades to provide for his family and his community in Willow Creek and Hoopa.

Gary loved to teach others so that they, in turn, could become self-reliant. As a small business owner, his shop was his classroom. As an extension of his faith, Gary empowered others, so they'd have the dignity that comes from solving their own problems.

Gary was a critical thinker and experiential learner; he gained insight from his interactions with his three older brothers, his time in the military and on-the-job training. To honor Gary, his creative energy and generosity with his time and resources, his family established the scholarship to enable youth to pursue a career in the trades. (2024)

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George Owen Knapp Memorial Fund

George Owen Knapp Memorial Fund

George Owen Knapp, a philanthropist and influential man of his era, was President of Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company in Chicago, and founder of Union Calcium Carbide Company. He had a special focus on medical care in his philanthropic efforts. Originally a resident of New York, Knapp relocated to Santa Barbara later in life, where he was instrumental in the growth of Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital.  In retirement, he spent time in the Crescent City area, and, noticing a lack of access to healthcare in the region, established the Seaside Hospital, also known as the Knapp Hospital, in 1931. The hospital served the community for over 60 years. Mr. Knapp passed away in 1945 at the Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbra. This fund carries on Mr. Knapp's philanthropic spirit by supporting charitable needs in Del Norte County, especially in the area of healthcare. 

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Gerald O. & Susan Hansen Family Fund

Gerald O. & Susan Hansen Family Fund

Because a love of music and an appreciation of nature and the outdoors are long-held family values, Susan Hansen established this fund to honor her late husband Gerry by providing music training/scholarships for deserving young Humboldt County musicians. It also funds projects that facilitate the ability of residents to enjoy the beauty of our environment, such as trail guides/maps, nature information and exhibits, and bird watching guides. In addition, to support the youth of Humboldt County in developing and pursuing meaningful and productive careers, the fund will offer grants for career/vocational information and programs for elementary and secondary students in Humboldt County. Gerry Hansen was a prominent fourth-generation Humboldt County native and CPA who died of cancer in 2002. Susan retired in 2004 from Humboldt State University after 37 years in career planning and placement services. The fund is donor advised by Susan and her two children Lisa and Aren. (2005)

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Gilbert Henry Gates C.R.U. Trust of 1993

Gilbert Henry Gates C.R.U. Trust of 1993

Gilbert F. and Helen J. Gates, longtime residents of San Francisco and Trinity County, created this Unitrust ultimately for the benefit of Trinity County. The Gates family was drawn to the Trinity Alps in the 1920s. Joe Joseph, Helen's father, purchased the Trinity property in the 1920s. From age 12, Hank Gates enjoyed summers with his mother Helen, his sister Joan, and his father Gilbert in the Trinity area. The Trust will eventually benefit such charities as Coffee Creek Volunteer Fire Department, Trinity County Free Library, and Trinity County Historical Society.

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Great Blue Heron Environmental Fund

Great Blue Heron Environmental Fund

On a long ago autumn day in the Chattahoochee National Forest, while resting on a blanket of fallen early October leaves, came a life altering deeper appreciation of a thought by John Muir: "…going out I found I was really going in…" As a result of that moment, this fund is dedicated to the support of the natural environment in the hope that the awakening joy of being with Mother will be honored thus, held sacred for others to share. May the great blue heron always fly our way. Namaste. (2006)

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Great Redwood Trail Alliance Fund

Great Redwood Trail Alliance Fund

This fund supports charitable work to promote, support, and implement the development and use of the Great Redwood Trail along the north coast counties of Marin, Sonoma, Mendocino and Humboldt. The trail will traverse the entirety of, or portions of, the North Coast Railroad Authority's tracks, rights-of-way and other properties, taking hikers and bicycle and horseback riders through a stunning North Coast river canyon and old growth redwood forests. Propelled by Senate Bill 1029, which was approved by the California Legislature and Governor and authored by Senator Mike McGuire, the trail corridor stretches 300 miles from San Francisco Bay to Humboldt Bay. Your contributions to this fund will help create a gift to benefit generations to come.

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Green Diamond Scholarship for Native Youth

Green Diamond Scholarship for Native Youth

The Green Diamond Resource Company Fund, established in 2005, will consider grant requests for fisheries and wildlife habitat restoration, forestry/habitat education, and research. (2005)

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Greenwood Family Fund

Charlotte Greenwood, the widow of William R. "Bill" Greenwood, a well-known Eureka businessman, established this endowment fund in his memory and in honor of their family. Income from this endowment fund provides an annual scholarship, awarded on the basis of both academic excellence and community service, to a Eureka High School graduate enrolling at Humboldt State University to study business. (1996)

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Hadley Memorial Fund

Hadley Memorial Fund

Created by Monica Hadley in memory of her husband Gordon G. Hadley ('81) and her son Craig L. Hadley ('84), native Arcatans and career newspapermen, this fund income is designated for recreational purposes in the Arcata area. Both men were publishers and presidents of Hadley Newspaper, Inc., which included the Arcata Union, the Del Norte Triplicate, and the Redwood Record (Garberville). Monica taught at Humboldt State Teacher's College, later became dean of women, served as director and then head of the women's physical education department. In 1945 she began her journalism career at the Arcata Union, working alongside her husband. She spent a lifetime dedicated to community service and her family. Gordon & Craig served as past presidents of the Arcata Rotary Club, members of the HSU Advisory Board, and were active in civic affairs and professional groups statewide. The Hadleys promoted sports programs and recreation for local youth. Monica passed away on February 17, 2004. (1981)

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HAF Native Cultures Fund

HAF Native Cultures Fund

The Native Cultures Fund supports revitalization of the transmission of Native American arts and culture between generations with the goal of fostering individual and community health and well-being in 50 California counties. (2014)

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HAF+WRCF | Community Leadership Fund

HAF+WRCF | Community Leadership Fund

Humboldt Area Foundation focuses on leadership training to improve our community's ability to solve problems and foster leadership in a variety of ways. The Leadership Fund supports programs that engage the community in civic participation, management skill-building, and nonprofit professional development. Donations to this fund support the mentorship of a new generation of leaders in communities across the North Coast. (2004)

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HAF+WRCF | Grantmaking Fund

HAF+WRCF | Grantmaking Fund

The Grantmaking Fund allows Humboldt Area Foundation to make flexible and responsive grantmaking decisions. This fund is focused on programs that provide youth leadership, support collaboration, encourage civic engagement, work in underserved communities, address pressing community needs, and build cultural opportunities. (1991)

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HAF+WRCF | Native Cultures Fund

HAF+WRCF | Native Cultures Fund

The Native Cultures Fund supports revitalization of the transmission of Native American arts and culture between generations with the goal of fostering individual and community health and well-being in 50 California counties. (2014)

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HAF+WRCF | Scholarship Fund

HAF+WRCF | Scholarship Fund

North Coast donors express their belief in the value of education by supporting local students with more than 400 scholarships through HAF each year. The purpose of the Scholarship Fund is to expand available scholarships and make higher education affordable for all North Coast students. The original donors to this fund, created in 1988, and those for whom memorial contributions were made include: John Anderson Brown, Ralph Bryant, Rayner Burke, Dr. Sam Burre, Nene Collver, Dee Daudell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gardner, Wilma Hamilton, William J. Kay, Tom Knapp, Charlotte Niskey, Ian Thornson Long, Orville H. "Bud" Marcellus, Lydia Stanberry, Carl Swanson, Nick Frazel, Eureka High School Class of 1935, and the Humboldt-Del Norte Life Underwriters Scholarship Fund. (2004)

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HAF+WRCF Opportunity Fund

HAF+WRCF Opportunity Fund

Even the best plans can't anticipate everything, especially in growing, diverse communities like ours. When you make an investment in the Opportunity Fund, it gives our board of directors the flexibility to respond to local opportunities and changing needs from a pool of unrestricted funds. Funds have been used to improve our economy, develop leaders, and build our communities' capacity to address issues of equity and social justice.

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Harry J. & Hazel S. Adorni Memorial Fund

Harry Adorni bequeathed $50,000 in memory of himself and his deceased wife Hazel. The income is designated for the benefit of homeless or injured cats, preferably through the Humane Society. (1988)

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Helping Hand Fund

Helping Hand Fund

The local Young Women's Christian Association dissolved in 1989. Through the sale of its historic property at H and 8th Streets in Eureka, it was able to establish this fund, which provides income for programs benefiting women and/or women with children.

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Herrmann Ludwig Spetzler Memorial Fund

Herrmann Ludwig Spetzler Memorial Fund

The fund is established by Herrmann's family to benefit the public by using donations to promote healthful outdoor activities, such as walking trails, youth sports, and the enjoyment of nature, and to continue the work of Open Door Community Health Centers.

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Historical Sites Society of Arcata Fund

Historical Sites Society of Arcata Fund

This fund was established with a generous gift from Alex Stillman, long time President of the Historical Sites Society of Arcata (HSSA).  HSSA has its headquarters in the Phillips House Museum at 7th and Union Streets in Arcata. The Phillips House exemplifies a pioneer farmhouse in Arcata during the 1850?s.  The house embodies Arcata?s best example of Greek Revival architecture.  As a living museum, visitors get to witness scenes from daily life between 1854 and 1932. Tours of the Phillips House are available 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. every Sunday or by appointment. Call (707) 822-4722. (2024)

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Homer P. Balabanis Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund

Homer P. Balabanis Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund

Union Labor Health Foundation established this nursing scholarship in honor of Homer P. Balabanis, a Humboldt County champion for nursing workforce development and education, and a key founding administrator at Humboldt State University. (2014)

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HSU Emeritus & Retired Faculty Association Fund

HSU Emeritus & Retired Faculty Association Fund

Humboldt State University retired faculty members established this fund more than 20 years ago to assist young faculty in their professional development. It has provided awards to more than 70 junior faculty to further their research and creative accomplishments and to enhance their teaching effectiveness. Recent recipients have used their awards to help involve current students in their work on projects, many related to the local area, such as forest regeneration, the North American river otter, Native American architecture, field research in Tibet, Devonian floras, children's theater, and printmaking. The Association gratefully accepts donations to the fund. Pictured: Katherine Corbett, founding member of ERFA, presenting 2011 research grant award to Dr. Robert Cliver. Photo credit: Ellen Land-Weber, Emeritus Professor.

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Huber-Bundros Family Fund

Huber-Bundros Family Fund

Our family established this fund to honor the memory of our parents, Al and Betty Huber. They enjoyed life to the fullest and threw themselves wholeheartedly into many causes and activities to better the lives of others and the natural world around them. Our mother and father valued honesty, hard work, lifelong learning, and their family and community. We were lucky to have had such loving, involved parents, and later grandparents. Betty and Al enjoyed a happy marriage and modeled what the words “for better or worse” really mean. When our mother developed Alzheimer’s, Dad was her unwavering caregiver, teaching himself how to cook, clean (sort of), and even the family tradition of home canning.

Betty and Al loved visiting our beautiful North Coast. This fund benefits various local organizations in their memory, with a focus on Alzheimer’s, senior services, Hospice, our community food bank, library, and local land trusts.

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Humboldt Bay Trail Fund

Humboldt Bay Trail Fund

This fund supports the maintenance and development of the Humboldt Bay Trail. Donations to the fund can be earmarked endowed or expendable. Please use the Additional Comments/Requests section if you wish to specify how your contribution is designated. If no designation is specified, the donation will be split 50% endowed and 50% expendable. The Humboldt Bay Trail is a multipurpose trail around the bay for walking, running, biking, and wheeling. The trail will be constructed in phases with initial projects focused on a continuous trail between central Arcata and southwest Eureka serving as an anchor for a network of adjacent trails that connect surrounding communities. The fund supports trail related needs including: 1.) maintenance and rehabilitation, with an emphasis on projects involving community volunteers, 2.) emergency repair projects, 3.) trail amenities, and 4.) cost-share to state or federal grant funds for project development. The fund is governed by the Humboldt Bay Trail Committee, composed of four community members at large (including one member from the Humboldt Bay Trails Council), and three public agency representatives from the city of Arcata, city of Eureka, and the Humboldt County Public Works Department. For more information about the trail, visit: (2015)

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Humboldt Health Foundation (HHF)

Humboldt Health Foundation (HHF)

The mission of HHF (formerly ULHF), a supporting organization of Humboldt Area Foundation, is to improve the health and well-being of the residents and communities of Humboldt County. The original Union Labor Hospital, later known as General Hospital, was established in Eureka in 1906 by newly unionized timber and mill workers as a charitable nonprofit organization. After 90 years of service in the field, Union Labor Hospital Association established the foundation in 1997 with proceeds from the sale of the hospital. The fund balance reflects the original endowment and contributions made to the foundation by community members. (1997)

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Humboldt Senior Resource Center Endowment Fund

Humboldt Senior Resource Center Endowment Fund

The Humboldt Senior Resource Center is committed to ensuring the best possible quality of life for seniors, their caregivers, and their families. We support and encourage independence, dignity, and well-being for all older adults in our community through a comprehensive array of health, nutrition, and educational services as well as opportunities for friendship and social interaction. Interest income from the endowment fund directly supports programs including: Redwood Coast PACE, a Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, which provides comprehensive medical care and support services; Adult Day Health and Alzheimer's Services, a state-licensed therapeutic day program; senior dining centers in Arcata, Eureka and Fortuna; home-delivered meals; recreational activities; the Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP), providing care management services for frail seniors; and the monthly Senior News newspaper. (1998)

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Humboldt Wildlife and Habitat Conservation Fund

Humboldt Wildlife and Habitat Conservation Fund

Humboldt County is biologically diverse and still supports healthy populations of a wide variety of plants and animals, including rare, threatened, and endangered species. Many of us who live here chose it for that very fact. Yet, a long history of uncontrolled resource consumption, combined with current pressures such as a growing human population, increasing cannabis cultivation, aquaculture, renewable energy projects, and climate change, have caused and will continue to cause damage that needs to be remedied, mitigated, and prevented in order to maintain that diversity. The Humboldt Wildlife and Habitat Conservation Fund was established by local author, biologist, and educator, Ken Burton, in 2022 to support environmental and conservation efforts in the county, with an emphasis on needs related to wildlife and wildlife habitat. Projects that will have direct, measurable effects, such as invasive species control, fish passage enhancement, habitat restoration, and reintroductions, are preferred. Please consider donating to this fund to help make Humboldt County an even better home for its wildlife - and by extension its human inhabitants!

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Jack L. & Arlene R. Guccione Scholarship Fund for Adventist Youth

Jack L. & Arlene R. Guccione Scholarship Fund for Adventist Youth

Together, Dr. Jack Guccione and his wife Arlene operate a dermatology practice in Fortuna, specializing in skin cancer and cosmetic dermatology. In founding this college scholarship fund, the Gucciones noted that they feel a joint responsibility with educators and parents in the proper discipline of students for higher education. The scholarship is to help direct worthy students on a path that leads to a life in useful labor while forming good habits and a noble character. (1996)

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Jackie Foote Memorial Fund

Jackie Foote Memorial Fund

Jacalyn (Jackie) Foote was born and raised in Marin County, California. She attended the University of Redlands and graduated cum laude from Boston University in 1970. Highlights of college included a semester abroad in Salzburg, Austria, participating in the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, and achieving finalist's rank in a national Hearst Photojournalism Competition. Jackie married Willard Foote and they moved to Humboldt County in 1980. Besides being a creative and enthusiastic mother to her children Adam and Rachel, Jackie contributed leadership skills to community organizations including the American Association of University Women, League of Women Voters, Arcata Elementary School Board of Trustees, and Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. For 14 years, Jackie was involved in Arcata High School's Career and College Center. She treasured the opportunity to assist young people in planning their futures. Jackie passed away on March 22, 2008. This fund supports Arcata High School's Career and College Center. (2008)

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James & Donna Brantly Memorial Fund

James & Donna Brantly Memorial Fund

James and Donna Brantly were married August 25, 1953. They had been married over 54 years at the time of the car accident that claimed Jim's life and disabled Donna on Dec. 29, 2007, on Hwy 299 in Trinity County. They met in Long Beach, CA while Jim was on shore leave from the Navy during the Korean War and Donna was on a vacation from Arizona with her best friend. Two years of letter-writing later, they married, and raised two daughters, Cheryl and Susan. James Phillip Brantly was born January 16, 1932, in Lake Providence, LA. After leaving the U.S. Navy, he studied engineering, then worked for the US Border Patrol Agency for 25 years. James received citations from President Kennedy and Attorney General Robert Kennedy for his assistance during the Oxford riots when the University of Mississippi enrolled the first black student, James Meredith, and from President Johnson for bravery during the Watts riots. He also received the Commissioner's Meritorious Achievement Award for rescuing an injured woman. Jim was a member of the Murrieta United Methodist Church for 50 years and a Life Member of the VFW. He enjoyed duck hunting, fishing, and telling stories. Donna JoAnn Stevens was born in Salina, Kansas on March 11, 1933. Following in the footsteps of her accountant father, Donna studied business at Bethany College before marriage. She retired from the Murrieta United School District in 1990 after nearly 30 years as the Asst. Superintendent of Business Services after overseeing the district's first growth spurt from one K-8 school into six elementary, 3 middle schools and 1 high school. In addition to being the treasurer and auditor for the Murrieta United Method Church, she was active in the United Methodist Women and was the Community Leader for the local 4-H club for more than 5 years. Donna enjoyed writing for local newspapers, scrapbooking, and travel. She passed away May 16, 2022. This fund is for non-profit rural search and rescue organizations and first responders. (2022)

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Joan Katri Fine Arts Fund

Joan Katri Fine Arts Fund

Joan Katri was born in Ferndale, CA.  She graduated from the School of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, CA.  She worked in commercial art in San Francisco for a number of years before moving to the East Coast where she continued her art interests and showed her paintings in many galleries.  Joan returned to Ferndale and was very active in the art community.  She has shown locally in Ferndale's Art Coop , Morris Graves Museum and the Piante gallery in Eureka.

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Joe Alexandre Memorial Family Fund

Joe Alexandre Memorial Family Fund

The Alexandre family established this fund to support a variety of charitable purposes in honor and memory of Joe Alexandre. Born on the Azores Island of Terceira on May 14, 1937, Joe came to America with his mother, Eva Rocha, as a 12-year-old boy knowing not a word of English. In 1960 he married Loretta Trutalli. They established and operated the Alexandre Dairy in Ferndale while raising three children, Renae, Blake, and Kristina. A progressive dairyman, Joe enjoyed improving his business. He served as a director on the Humboldt Creamery Board and as president of the local Portuguese Association. After he retired, he and three partners purchased a restaurant and card room in Ferndale, Poppa Joe's. He loved to entertain and have a party, and he never met a stranger. "You may be gone from this earth, but you will always be remembered by the friends and family who loved and respected you." (2004)

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Johan Pluyter Charitable Fund

Johan Pluyter Charitable Fund

The Johan Pluyter Charitable Fund was established in 2023 in order to support Native American cultural, health and legal causes.

Born in The Netherlands, Johan developed early an interest in nature, sciences, history and music. First, he got interested in bird watching and while studying the biology he discovered his passion for science, in particular chemistry. Also, at an early age he started playing keyboards and composed his own music.

He finished his undergraduate in The Netherlands and then continued his research and studies at San Diego State University and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he obtained his PhD, all in chemistry. Next, his professional career found him working for companies like Procter and Gamble, Unilever, ICI, IFF and S. C. Johnson. These moves brought him back to work and live in Europe and various places in the US on the East Coast and Mid-West. Johan has been visiting and staying in Humboldt County since 1985 after he married Marie. He loves the nature and peace and quiet of Humboldt County. In 2018, he started his consulting company and he works with various multinationals as well as medium-sized and start-up companies. This allows him to work from his home here in Eureka. Johan is also an avid composer and musician, having released several CD's and copyright hundreds of compositions.

Johan also established the Johan G. Pluyter Living Trust which will add to the Johan Pluyter Charitable Fund to enable the fund to continue to support Native American causes as well as KEET TV.

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John Ash Sustainability Fund

John Ash created this fund to encourage exploration of the natural beauty on the North Coast and to make remote areas more accessible to a variety of groups. (2001)

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Jordan Andrew “Almonds” Miesbauer Memorial Fund

Jordan Andrew “Almonds” Miesbauer Memorial Fund

The family of Jordan Andrew “Almonds” Miesbauer established this endowment to provide assistance to those facing the pain, loneliness & hardship resulting from economic discrimination, mental illness, LGBTQ+ community challenges, education inaccessibility, cost & lack of availability of health services, homelessness & the challenges faced creating careers based upon lived experience.

Humboldt County was Jordan's home for most of his 30 years. He earned his B.S. in Dietetics from UC Berkeley & returned to start his career as a Registered Dietitian at St. Joseph Hospital. Just as he was starting on his own journey of giving back to his community, Jordan's life was cut short by complications arising from his personal struggles with mental health. Jordan was & forever will be a big personality with an inquisitive nature & a kind and deeply sympathetic heart.

It is our hope that with this endowment, Jordan’s loving, expansive spirit will continue to be felt in the giving of practical assistance & encouragement to those facing their own personal struggles. 

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Judy Griffith Memorial Scholarship Fund

Judy Griffith Memorial Scholarship Fund

Judy was born the youngest of seven children on August 25, 1964, in Eureka to Frank and Jewel Griffith. She was named California's "Miss Basketball" in 1981 and graduated from Fortuna High as class valedictorian. Judy also starred in softball and tennis and was awarded a full athletic scholarship to Stanford. After graduating in human biology in 1986, she completed a teaching credential and masters in education and became an extraordinary science teacher, loved by her many students and colleagues. She put her teaching career on hold to be a full-time mom for her three children, helping in their classrooms, coaching their teams, and giving them many wonderful experiences, while continuing to enjoy softball, basketball, her church, her friends, and her intergenerational family. Judy passed away on May 16, 2007. This scholarship for Fortuna High graduates was created by her family, who will remember Judy always as generous, unselfish, clever, and creative. (2007)

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Julia Bednar and Irene Finney Rescued Animal Care Fund

Julia Bednar and Irene Finney Rescued Animal Care Fund

Julia and Irene became close friends during the years they worked together on the board of directors of the Humane Society of Humboldt County (now known as the Sequoia Humane Society). They shared a deep concern for the welfare of stray, abandoned, or homeless animals. They also recognized the financial hardship incurred by an individual who, by rescuing a stray injured animal and taking it to a veterinary hospital, became responsible for the medical costs involved. This fund is intended to pay a portion of the costs of medical care and treatment of stray injured animals rescued and brought to a veterinary hospital in Humboldt County by a nonowner. (2010)

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Julia Bednar Art and Animals Memorial Fund

Julia Bednar Art and Animals Memorial Fund

Julia was 4 years old when she received a coloring book and Crayons for her birthday. Shortly after, she adopted a little orange stray kitten. This was the beginning of a lifelong passion for art and animals. Julia has been active in the art community, both as an artist and a volunteer. For years, she has served on the board of directors of the Redwood Art Association and the Humboldt Arts Council. Her volunteer work has extended to many art groups and endeavors as well. Animals have always been part of Julia's life. She served on the board of directors of the Sequoia Humane Society, and as a volunteer, she has supported numerous animal causes. She has adopted more than fifty stray cats, who came to her doorstep for help and found refuge in her home and heart. This memorial fund is intended to support art organizations and animal groups in Humboldt County, dedicated to services for enrichment of the community and for the welfare of animals. (2018)

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Ka’m-t’em Scholarship

Ka’m-t’em Scholarship

This scholarship is primarily funded by the royalties from the publication of "Ka'm-t'em: A Journey Toward Healing," by 27 California Indigenous advocates of Ka'm-te'm (Indigenous Treasures). This scholarship is for California Indigenous students with a path to contribute, protect and/or advocate for Indigenous knowledge such as language, sacred sites, burial grounds and inherent rights. Applicants must be 1) Indigenous to California; 2) an undergraduate or graduate student; and 3) an advocate, protector and/or contributor to Indigenous knowledge. (2019)

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Katherine Hoyt McCaughey Scholarship Fund

Katherine Hoyt McCaughey Scholarship Fund

Katherine McCaughey was born in 1978 in Eureka to Sarah Ann and Timothy Hoyt McCaughey. Katherine was looking forward to returning to the University of Colorado in Boulder where she was an honor student and an active member of the triathlete club. Kat attributed her ability to reach for excellence and her determination to achieve personal goals to the lessons she learned while competing in track at Arcata High School. She was deeply devoted to preservation of the environment and anticipated a future in international relations with an emphasis on the environment. Katherine is remembered as the sparkle on the tip of a wave, the tickle in the sea breeze, or the smile in a ripple on a calm summer lake. Unfortunately, she was killed by a hit-and-run driver on July 8, 1997, at the age of 19. This scholarship is awarded to a graduating high school senior from a H-DN league school, with a preference for Arcata High School, who has participated for two or more years in cross-country or track and field or a combination of both who wish to further their educations. (1998)

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Keep Eureka Beautiful Fund

Keep Eureka Beautiful Fund

An all-volunteer group, Keep Eureka Beautiful was founded in 1996. It promotes beautification as an essential building block in preventing crime, calming traffic and promoting economic development. Its mission is to educate the community about the importance of beautification and to motivate individuals to take personal responsibility for making Eureka a more livable city. In 2006, a gift of $50,000 from the Arkley family allowed Keep Eureka Beautiful to launch a street tree program. With ongoing support from private donors and the Christine and Jalmer Berg Foundation, it has planted over 1,200 street and front yard trees over the years. (2006)

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Kevin Ebbert Memorial Fund

Kevin Ebbert Memorial Fund

Kevin R. Ebbert was born in 1980 and grew up in Arcata. As a boy he loved backpacking, rafting, and drawing. As a young adult he played Ultimate Frisbee, was an accomplished musician, loved learning, and was an avid reader. Kevin grew into a caring man who practiced his values, lived by his ideals, and was committed to helping others. Kevin graduated from Arcata High School, received a bachelor's degree in music from UC Santa Cruz, and became an active duty US Navy SEAL and corpsman. He hoped to build on his training as a corpsman to pursue a career as a physician. Kevin married Ursula (Jansson) Ebbert in 2011. The couple shared a love of the outdoors and enjoyed family gatherings. Kevin was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2012. Funds will be given in honor of Kevin to organizations that support education, protecting the outdoors, medical care, wounded warriors, and the families of the fallen. (2012)

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Kiwanis Club of Henderson Center

Kiwanis Club of Henderson Center

Kiwanis Club of Henderson Center is part of the international organization dedicated to serving local communities and addressing worldwide issues with an emphasis on the needs of children. Kiwanis' motto is "Serving the Children of the World." Kiwanis focuses on youth health, citizenship, and leadership, as well as assistance to the elderly. The Kiwanis Club of Henderson Center sponsors youth groups at elementary, middle, high school, and college levels. The club also provides academic and sponsored youth scholarships on a yearly basis. They are active sponsors of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Future Farmers of America. Through participation in service projects volunteer members work to improve life in the local community and around the world. For more information, contact Kiwanis of Henderson Center Club at PO Box 615, Eureka California 95502-0615. (2005)

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Klamath River Fund

Klamath River Fund

The Klamath River Fund is a program of Humboldt Area Foundation and Wild Rivers Community Foundation (HAF+WRCF) focused on community-led climate resilience and restorative justice work. Following the unprecedented removal of four dams on the Klamath river in 2023 and 2024, the Klamath River Fund will invest in and amplify restoration and revitalization efforts in the entire Klamath basin in the decade that follows. 

Over the next decade the fund will support projects and initiatives such as:

  • Efforts to advance climate and community resilience within the Klamath River watershed.
  • Effective grantmaking, strategy coordination, and technical assistance to support Tribal and local community-driven restoration and revitalization priorities. 
  • Work to increase philanthropic and public funding for Tribal and rural community needs in the basin. 
  • Demonstration of how river restoration, of which dam removal is only the first step, is an investment in climate resilience, community resilience, and restorative justice. 

The Klamath dam removal is the largest dam removal project and largest river restoration project in U.S. history, with monumental impacts for river and ecosystem health, economic and workforce development, revitalization of Tribal and rural communities, and restorative justice to Tribes and Indigenous people. The project will reopen 400 miles of habitat for coho salmon, Chinook salmon, steelhead trout, and other threatened fish species, and allow the lower Klamath River to flow freely for the first time in more than a century. 

The removal of the dams is the result of generations of work by Tribes, activists, landowners, agencies and nonprofits to bring healing to the Klamath River basin. Now we have another generational project ahead of us, restoring the ecosystem so the region can thrive ecologically, culturally, economically, and beyond.  

To learn more about the Klamath River Fund and dam removal project, visit

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Kneeland Fire Protection District Fire Station Fund

Kneeland Fire Protection District Fire Station Fund

The mission of the Kneeland Volunteer Fire Department is to provide fire protection and prevention and emergency medical aid to our 36-square-mile district. The KVFD has provided these services for over 20 years without a firehouse. Currently the response vehicles and fire and medical apparatus are housed at the homes of the volunteer firefighters, where they are exposed to maritime influences and other weather effects. This trust fund has been created to raise the money needed to build a 60' x 80' building with three large bay doors, a fueling station, and the development of a water source and storage. The firehouse will serve as a central command post to house and maintain the equipment and as a training center for our brave volunteer firefighters so that they can continue to provide outstanding service to the community of Kneeland. Support your local fire department! (2008)

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Kuttner/Mason Camp Unalayee Scholarship Fund

Kuttner/Mason Camp Unalayee Scholarship Fund

The fund was created by a friendship circle of Guy Kuttner and John "Moose" Mason---both highly regarded, dedicated, and inspirational local public school teachers---to honor their love of high mountain wilderness, commitment to environmental education, and emphasis on cooperative hands-on learning. The fund's sole purpose is to financially enable children from low-income, urban households to attend Camp Unalayee. Short-term and long-term financial goals, respectively, are to cover one camper's costs per year and to grow a self-supporting endowment. Since 1949, Camp Unalayee---an accredited, nonprofit backpacking summer camp located in the Trinity Alps Wilderness---has been providing children from all walks of life with experiences that are life affirming for all and life changing for many. The camp emphasizes cooperation, building confidence through learning outdoor skills, exploring one's interests and natural abilities, and sharing daily responsibilities at base camp and on backcountry trails. (2015)

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Laurence & Elaine Allen Memorial Fund

Laurence & Elaine Allen Memorial Fund

Laurence N. Allen, a native of Nova Scotia, Canada, moved to Arcata at age 6 and died in 1992 at the age of 87. He was a member of the Arcata City Council and a longtime Arcata businessman. He was a member of the Arcata Lodge No. 106, Free and Accepted Masons, the Oakland Scottish Rite of Eureka, the Aahmes Redwood Shrine of Eureka, the Arcata Kiwanis Club, the Ingomar Club, and the Baywood Country Club. Elaine Allen, born in Arcata, died in 1997 at the age of 92. She attended Arcata schools, graduating from Arcata High School. She was a member of Eastern Star and the First Presbyterian Church of Arcata. This is an unrestricted gift to the Foundation. (1999)

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Lee Smith Memorial Fund

Lee Smith Memorial Fund

Lee Lake Smith, born in Long Beach on October, 15, 1936, lived fully and died peacefully February 29, 2020. Lee played violin, viola and piano and for fifty years taught music history at Taft Community College and played in the Bakersfield Symphony. He was drawn to Humboldt through the friends he made at HSU "music camp." Upon arriving in Eureka, Lee began playing music in all possible venues in private and for the community including the Eureka Symphony Orchestra and Trinidad Bay Art and Music Festival. The Lee L. Smith Memorial Fund reflects Lee?s wish to support musicians and other artists to gather and perform and to provide lodging assistance for visiting artists, with a priority for needs related to classical music.

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Long Line of Ladies Fund

The Long Line of Ladies Fund will work intergenerationally to support projects and activities that align with the values and lessons shared during the Karuk coming of age ceremonies.

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Louis A. & Alice M. Blaser Educational Fund

Louis A. & Alice M. Blaser Educational Fund

This fund was planned for years before Alice's death in 2006 as a way for Alice and Lou to "give something back," and to help provide for ongoing quality in the professions of their choice. Alice graduated from Eastern Oregon University in 1954 with a degree in Education and a teaching certificate. She taught for the next 28 years, was a master teacher, and was highly respected by peers and students alike. After serving in the military during the Korean War, Lou graduated from Oregon State University in 1957 with a degree in forest engineering. He spent the next 34 years in various logging and land management positions with Simpson Timber Company, as Simpson's California Timberlands Manager, retiring in 1991. The fund provides annual grants to the School of Education at Eastern Oregon University and the School of Forestry at Oregon State University to provide scholarships and maintain their excellent educational programs. (2007)

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Matthew David Barnes Memorial Fund

Matthew David Barnes Memorial Fund

Matthew D. Barnes was born in Arcata in 1977 and died suddenly from heart complications at age 29. He was a top scholar at Arcata High School, a champion showman for 4-H and FFA, and a decorated athlete in soccer and wrestling. Matt was an avid golfer, and loved the SF Giants and 49ers. Matt graduated from Cal Poly--SLO with a degree in Agriculture Engineering and worked for the John Deere Company. He was devoted to his career. Matt had a passion for agriculture, sports, hard work, and his family and friends. This fund was established in Matt's name to benefit students wishing to pursue a four-year education in agriculture or engineering. Consideration is given to students who have actively shown livestock or dairy at the Redwood Acres or Humboldt County fairs, who are high academic achievers, and who have shown extra-curricular and community involvement. (2006)

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McCanless Family Scholarship Fund

McCanless Family Scholarship Fund

The McCanless Family Scholarship Fund is funded by Jack and Donell McCanless. They were both very much working class individuals who lived through the depression era and well as WWII. Jack served in the military as an Intelligence & Reconnaissance Specialist earning a Silver Star along with other medals for his demonstration of courage and bravery in battling the enemy across France, Belgium, and Germany until he was wounded and then went to Great Britain to work on allied airplanes. After the war he returned to Ferndale for a time to work on a dairy before moving to Berkeley where he married Donell. They had both attended grammar school and high school (except 12th grade which was not taught in Petrolia). Jack worked at Pacific Lumber Company (PLC) for approximately 18 years. During his last 2 to 4 years at PL Jack started building up a small herd of heifers and cows and milked both morning and night before going to work at PL. The McCanless Dairy started by Jack in the early 60’s is now run by Jack’s grandson and is now over 500 cows in size. Jack never had the advantage of having FFA classes in high school or animal science classes at the college level. He basically learned the dairy business by talking with other Ferndale dairymen and working 7 days a week. That is why Jack would like the idea of scholarship funds going to an individual that has demonstrated a very strong work ethic and has an interest in pursuing Agricultural Science, may have had to overcome other life challenges and may have not had the advantages that other more fortunate students have had.

Donell graduated from Berkley in 1947 with a degree in education. After her three sons reached school age she began her teaching career teaching at Price Creek Elementary, a one room, classes first through eighth grades. A significant part of her teaching career was as a Special Ed teacher in Ferndale Elementary where she worked with young kids who had different needs than some of the regular students. She received great gratification in working with her Special Ed kids and went above and beyond occasionally rewarding a student or group of students with a weekend trip to the family cabin in Petrolia or some other fun activity. She took her job very seriously and customized her teaching to match the needs of the individual students she was working with. In her later years she always loved running into many of the students she worked with and they always told her how helpful she was and many would say she was their best teacher. Donell was an avid gardener (recently rewarded 47 year certificate from the Ferndale Garden Club), knitter, baker, canner, VFW supporter (she worked at the VFW breakfasts collecting money at the door into her 90s. She was well known in Humboldt County for spinning her own wool and knitting hats or other knitted items out of the hair of people’s pets. For many years she demonstrated her knitting skills at the Humboldt County Fair in Ferndale and always loved talking to old students and meeting people from many different countries. Donell would like to see the McCanless Family Scholarship Fund recipient be a person who has a demonstrated work ethic and someone who has overcome adversity in their lives that may have put them at a disadvantage when it comes to pursuing educational goals beyond high school. Donell would be particularly pleased if the scholarship were to go to someone who has aspirations similar to her own working in Special Ed or a related field of education.

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McCullough Family Fund

McCullough Family Fund

Macky and Dena McCullough began their family in 1982 and over the past 35 years they have dedicated their lives to their faith, family, and service to others who live in Humboldt and Trinity counties. Macky and Dena raised their three daughters to be generous, empathetic, and compassionate. The McCullough Family Fund has been established to help others in need. The fund will benefit individuals and community projects. The McCullough family (comprised of the Macky, Dena, eight grandchildren, three daughters, and three sons-in-law) will join in creating family goals for annual giving. Each one of Macky and Dena's daughters and their husbands contribute financially to the fund and are involved in the recipient selection. It is the desire of the McCullough family to provide support to children in need, people affected by the loss of a spouse, and to care for the elderly. (2018)

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Merv George Memorial Music Fund

Merv George Memorial Music Fund

Merv was a professional musician and powerful Native American ceremonial singer on and around the North Coast of California for over 60 years of his 74 years of life. Music was a constant, steadying, healing force throughout his life. In his own life, music enabled Merv to overcome bullying, racism, and prejudices he encountered in his journeys. He recognized the therapeutic power it held, so he always made sure his own children and grandchildren and their classmates had access to instruments, music sheets, recorded music lessons, PA systems, and of course live music. To further assist children to learn and enjoy the power of live music, a fund has been set up at Humboldt Area Foundation to continue to overcome obstacles to bring instruments, music instruction and appreciation, to promote live music, and to bring opportunities through music education for schoolchildren preK--12 in Humboldt County, primarily in the Hoopa Valley. (2018)

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Michael Bradbury Memorial Scholarship Fund

Supports high school students in Humboldt County, with a priority for those attending Northern Humboldt Union High School District, wishing to attend college who have financial need and have shown commitment and dedication to athletics. (2022)

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Michael W. Dunkelberger Science Scholarship

Michael W. Dunkelberger Science Scholarship

The Michael W. Dunkelberger Science Scholarship will support students pursuing a degree in science, with a preference for those studying biology, zoology, herpetology or geology, and/or an interest in teaching science. Open to undergraduate and graduate students who graduated from high school or got their GED in the HAF+WRCF service region.

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Migrant Assistance in Baja Fund

Migrant Assistance in Baja Fund

This fund was established to support charitable work of community organizations that advocate for human rights and humane immigration reform and social justice on the Mexico-United States border. Contributions will be used for basic human service needs (e.g., water, food, shelter, counseling), as well as education and cross-border arts that promote understanding and sharing of ideas and cultural values. The fund's advisor is actively involved in the process and ensuring all contributions are used appropriately. (2020)

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Nancy Jacobs Lafrenz Memorial Scholarship Fund

Nancy Jacobs Lafrenz Memorial Scholarship Fund

Nancy Lafrenz was a gifted actor, charming clown, dedicated Dell'Arte alumnus, devoted daughter, thoughtful friend, and loving wife. She succumbed to colon cancer on December 26th, 2005, at the young age of 31. Nancy was a giver and a leader. Nancy mentored younger students and ensemble members, spoke up when others were afraid to, and nurtured those in need. Nancy not only loved working in ensembles but also loved building them. To keep Nancy's spirit alive, the Dell'Arte graduating class of 2002 created the Nancy Lafrenz Memorial Scholarship Fund. This fund will allow one ensemble of graduating Dell'Arte students to begin their professional career. The scholarship will fund the production of an ensemble-created original work for Dell'Arte's Baduwa't Festival. Through the creation of these works Nancy's spirit will not only live on but it will help mold the careers of young ensemble members for years to come. (2006)

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Nick’s Interns Fund

Nick’s Interns Fund

Nick's Interns continues the legacy of Nick Raphael, a forestry graduate of HSU who died in a car crash at age 26. Nick had worked in the woods since the age of 12 in all parts of Humboldt County. In summer months Nick's Interns employs a mix of high-achieving and at-risk teenagers who build and maintain trails, stabilize stream beds, improve timber stands, plant trees, control erosion, reduce risk of fire, or survey fish and wildlife. Working with inspirational mentors in BLM, state parks, and a variety of nonprofit organizations, interns make visible improvements to parklands, forests, slopes, and streams. They take deserved pride in their accomplishments and team abilities, gaining self-esteem. Cooperating agencies provide in-kind supervision, administration, insurance, etc. Money donated to Nick's Interns goes to wages and payroll expenses of the workers themselves. Donations have sustained Nick's Interns year to year. A fund with HAF ensures its future. (2006)

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Northern California Tribal Chairmen’s Association Scholarship Fund

The Northern California Tribal Chairmen's Association (NCTCA) Scholarship Fund was created to increase the number of Native American students entering undergraduate, graduate, and vocational education programs. This scholarship is available to students from Federally-Recognized and Non-Federally-Recognized Tribes, provided the student is culturally involved in their Tribe. In an effort to increase attendance at local high education facilities, preference will be given to those students attending Humboldt State University or College of the Redwoods. (2017)

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O.H. Bass Memorial Fund

O.H. Bass Memorial Fund

O.H. was a popular restaurateur and longtime supporter of local athletic activities. Income benefits the Sequoia Humane Society and Miranda's Rescue. (1986)

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Open Door Community Health Centers Fund

Open Door Community Health Centers Fund

Established in honor of the Open Door Community Health Centers' 25th anniversary, this fund supports the provision of high quality healthcare to Humboldt and Del Norte residents regardless of financial, geographic, social, or age barriers. With support from the fund, Open Door's seven community health centers will work with other community providers to meet community health needs, improve services, provide education on health and social issues, and work toward change in the present healthcare system through example, education, and direct participation. (1996) 

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Pacific Redwoods Missing & Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) Crisis Action Fund

Pacific Redwoods Missing & Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) Crisis Action Fund

The epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) is a national humanitarian crisis, with California ranking fifth in the nation for incidents of MMIP, and the far north of the state accounting for most cases. The Pacific Redwoods Missing & Murdered Indigenous People's Crisis Action Fund supports prevention and response to violence against Indigenous people in our region. Your investment in the Pacific Redwoods Missing & Murdered Indigenous People's Crisis Action Fund supports regional research, policy advocacy, crisis response, recovery, and more. Funds allow for our continued partnership with Tribal leaders and Indigenous experts to facilitate community support and address the root cause of this public safety threat. (2022)

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Paik-Nicely Ohana Legacy Fund

Marylyn Paik-Nicely was director of Humboldt State University's MultiCultural Center for nearly 20 years. She worked with students on social justice programs, leadership development and cultural celebrations. She described being director as "the job made in heaven just for me!" In 2015, Marylyn retired. Her son Tyler established this fund to honor her legacy and to see it continue. Ohana is family. In Hawai'i, family goes beyond blood relations. Ohana includes hanai children, part of your family because of the aloha and love shared; the aunties and uncles who love and care about us; and the Tutu Kane (grandfathers) and Tutu Wahine (grandmothers) who "adopted" us into their families and cultures. Ohana is community. The fund supports social justice programs, cultural celebrations and projects that raise awareness of history, language, and traditions of our Indigenous Communities. It also supports programs for students affected by the country's immigration policy or DACA.

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Pay it Forward Humboldt Fund

Pay it Forward Humboldt Fund

The mission of Pay It Forward Humboldt is to provide help, healing, and hope in times of crisis. With our fault lines, flood zones, and dense forests, Northern California is a hotbed for natural disaster. Pay It Forward Humboldt provides efficient intake, organization, and distribution of necessary emergency supplies to victims of crisis, without creating the secondary disaster of piles of unusable donations. Our vision is to offer immediate HELP to those in need. We provide HEALING through community outreach & fundraisers that support one another. We provide HOPE by paying it forward and encouraging others to pay it forward alongside us. Our nonprofit is 100% volunteer operated. (2018)

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Penny E. Figas Future Physician Scholarship

Penny E. Figas Future Physician Scholarship

The Humboldt/Del Norte County Medical Society, component of the California Medical Association, was founded in 1886 to represent physicians on the north coast. The purposes of the Society are to promote the science and art of medicine, the care and well-being of physicians, the protections of the public health, and the interests of the medical profession; to cooperate with other organizations of like purposes; and unite with similar societies in the State of California as component societies of the California Medical Association. Humboldt and Del Norte Counties have always faced issues with recruitment and retention and is committed to programs that help develop pipelines for future physicians interested in living and working in our beautiful area. Hoping to build this fund into an Endowment Fund and be sustainable into the future, this fund was created as another way physicians and our community can be involved in helping to recruit and retain physicians here on the north coast.  The scholarship was renamed Penny E. Figas Future Physician Scholarship Fund in honor of her 45 ½ years of dedicated service as Executive Director of the Humboldt-Del Norte County Medical Society (1978-2023) and her commitment to physician workforce development.

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Peter E. Palmquist Memorial Fund for Historical Photographic Research

Peter E. Palmquist Memorial Fund for Historical Photographic Research

Peter Palmquist was killed at age 66 by a hit-and-run driver on January 13, 2003. A professional photographer for over 50 years, including 28 at Humboldt State University, he is considered one of the most important photo-historians of the 20th century. His emphasis was the American West, California, Humboldt County before 1950, and the international history of women in photography. He published over 60 books and 340 articles. With co-author Thomas Kailbourn, he won the Caroline Bancroft Western History Prize for their book 'Pioneer Photographers of the Far West.' Martha Sandweiss, retired Princeton professor, is an American historian, with particular interests in the history of the American West, visual culture, and public history.   Dr. Sandweiss wrote: "He established new ways of pursuing the history of photography. With his collections and research notes now accessible at Yale, he will be speaking to and inspiring new generations forever." Established by Peter's lifetime companion, Pam Mendelsohn, this fund supports the study of under-researched women photographers internationally and under-researched Western American photographers through The Great Depression. Peter’s lifetime companion, Pam Mendelsohn, explained: “There have been 18 rounds of grant applications providing funds to seventy-five researchers globally. Please join us for round 19 by honoring Peter’s passion for independent photo historical research. Visit to enter the world of our past recipients (2024).

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Ramon T. Delgado & Miguel A. Meza Memorial Scholarship

Ramon T. Delgado & Miguel A. Meza Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship fund was originally established in memory of Miguel Angel Meza by his mother Teodolinda Salas-Meza and by his grandparents Ramon Delgado and Maria Torres. The fund is now in memory of Miguel and his grandfather Ramon as they were two peas in a pod. The award is for Latino students from Eureka and St. Bernard high schools, as well as from the Humboldt County Office of Education's Court and Community Schools, to attend two-year colleges or universities. The scholarship is open to continuing college or university students. (2022)

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Red Panda Improvement Project Fund

Red Panda Improvement Project Fund

Red Panda Improvement Project Fund supports construction and renovations to the Sequoia Park Zoo’s red panda and Indian muntjac habitat that will increase habitat size, improve guest experience and animal visibility, and allow the Sequoia Park Zoo to care for a breeding pair and cubs, as determined by the AZA and the Species Survival Plan.

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Redwood Art Association Accessibility Fund

Redwood Art Association Accessibility Fund

The primary purpose and intent of the Redwood Art Association Accessibility Fund is to expeditiously raise the necessary funds to install a chair lift, making it possible for disabled and mobility-impaired artists, members and visitors to enjoy full access to the second-floor galleries, benefiting all who partake in the RAA. All donations received will go toward that end goal and to increasing all levels of accessibility at the RAA. In 2012 the RAA purchased and renovated a Classical Revival building at 603 F Street in Eureka, designed in 1925 by F.T. Georgeson, to serve as a headquarters and exhibition space, open to the public. Those coming to our gallery with physical disabilities or mobility impairments have not been able to access gallery spaces on the second floor easily or at all. Other ADA compliant renovations have been made or are currently underway to make accessible all personal gallery spaces, restrooms, and entry/exits to the entire community and visiting population. The need for this access is acute. Senior citizens, many of whom experience mobility impairment to some degree, represent a good portion of the RAA’s members and visitors. At present, some docents are unable to access the building’s second-floor exhibition spaces making it difficult to provide volunteer staffing. Since all personal gallery spaces that are available to rent are located on the building’s second floor, the installation of a chair lift will mean that all RAA member and guest artists will be able to enjoy unhindered access to exhibition opportunities. Purchase and Installation of a chair lift at the RAA has been estimated to cost $135,000. (2022)

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Redwood Art Association Endowment Fund

Redwood Art Association Endowment Fund

Created in 1958, the Redwood Art Association (RAA) is the largest and oldest arts organization in Humboldt County. In 2012, the organization bought a gallery in Eureka large enough to accommodate large exhibitions for our membership. The RAA continues to be a growing community of artists and supporters who value art as an essential component of every aspect of our culture. The RAA nurtures creativity, provides innovative, leading-edge ideas to inspire its members, and actively relates to young and emerging artists as well as those who are well established. We bring artistic dialogue and collaboration with the membership, local government, and other creative organizations and outside communities. This endowment fund was created by anonymous donors who support our history, vision, and placement in the community. The funds will be used toward continuing our mission. Additional donations from other individuals and organizations can be made to this fund. (2015)

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Redwood Region Climate & Community Resilience (CORE) Hub

Redwood Region Climate & Community Resilience (CORE) Hub

The Redwood Region Climate & Community Resilience (CORE) Hub provides community engagement, technical assistance and an equity and justice lens to help our community transition our built and natural systems to a decarbonized and resilient future. By transitioning our built systems to lowest-emission operations, and optimizing natural systems’ regenerative and carbon ‘sink’ (sequestration) potentials, rural areas can adapt and manage against impacts, improve local economies and quality of life, zero out their own carbon footprint, and help the planet cool. The CORE Hub helps convene dialogues and distribute resources to communities as they work to reorganize and relocate built and natural systems in better cooperation with human needs, and to document the processes so local communities and other rural regions and Tribal Nations have a recipe for their own decarbonized resilience. Donations to the CORE Hub fund support this work. (2021)

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Redwood Rural Healthcare Scholarship Fund

Redwood Rural Healthcare Scholarship Fund

The Redwood Rural Healthcare Scholarship Fund supports scholarships awarded to graduating high school seniors or current college students pursuing the study of healthcare at an accredited college, university or vocational school, who demonstrate financial need and reside in or are from Southern Humboldt.

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Robert Fasic and Roy Grieshaber Endowment Fund

Robert Fasic and Roy Grieshaber Endowment Fund

Robert Fasic and Roy Grieshaber enjoyed 48 years in a relationship filled with love, adventure, creativity, and spiritual companionship. They met in Chicago when Robert was an attorney and bank trust officer and Roy was a marketing professional. In 1987 they moved to Humboldt County to own and operate Heartwood Institute, a vocational school east of Garberville. Under their management, the school earned its national accreditation. After moving to Eureka in 2003, they served as officers of the Redwood Art Association and helped guide the association to purchase its permanent home. Both were art lovers. Robert was an accomplished photographer with a passion for photography that started at age ten. This fund supports arts and culture in the city of Eureka including art organizations, KEET-TV, and projects that make Eureka an attractive place to live and visit. The fund also provides scholarships to students pursuing higher education in any major. (2017)

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Robert Raymond Bean Memorial Fund

Robert Raymond Bean Memorial Fund

Vern R. and Gail Edeline Bean established this memorial fund for their youngest son Bob who died of a malignant brain tumor on October 5, 2000, at age 34. He left his wife of 14 years---Pamela Tompkins Bean---and his four children---Nathan, Erica, Matthew, and Jessica. He also left his sisters---Caren Campbell, Rosanne Gephart, Diane Holsworth---and his brother Edward Bean. While growing up in Eureka, Bob was active in school bands and orchestras. After moving to El Cajon, CA in 1981, he became a member of the Grossmont High School marching band and the Red Robe Choir, which was chosen to perform at the Vienna Music Festival in 1983. Bob had fond memories of these music programs and often spoke of the enrichment they brought to his life. To celebrate Bob's love of music, this fund provides scholarships to outstanding music students furthering their music education. (2007)

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Rose Abrahamson Trust Fund

Rose Abrahamson Trust Fund

Rose Abrahamson passed away on January 19, 2005, just five days before her 92nd birthday. She was born in Eureka with her twin brother Ralph to California pioneers Charles and Edith (Evans) Boydstun. Her father hiked from Chico to Salyer for a mill job, then to Korbel where he found work with the Northern Redwood Lumber Co. There he met and married her mother, the assistant postmistress in Blue Lake. Rose grew up in Eureka and graduated from Eureka High School in 1932. She married Einar Abrahamson on October 20, 1947, and lived in his family home which later became Sherwood Forest Nursery. She spent 25 years as a secretary and probation officer for Humboldt County. They moved to Willow Creek in 1972 and resided there until 2002. This fund provides scholarships for the Willow Creek Christian School and support for the Eureka Rescue Mission to help people in need. (2006)

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Ross Hibler and Jeanne Wood Hibler Family Scholarship Fund

Ross Hibler and Jeanne Wood Hibler Family Scholarship Fund

Jeanne and Ross graduated from EHS in 1960 and 1959, respectively. Several others in their families were also graduates of EHS including Dianne Wood (1959), Gary Hibler (1961), Lee Hibler (1963), and David Isaacson (1962), and many others in their extended family. Jeanne and Ross’ Humboldt roots were strained by Ross’ 25-year service in the US Navy, but Eureka California was always the answer to the inevitable question “Where is your home?” The importance of education was stressed in their family, along with strong personal perseverance of their children. Ross Jr, Lyle, and Claire graduated from the California university system schools (HSU and UCSB). We as a family believe that our society needs, and will increasingly require, educated citizens in the future. The cost of not developing individual talents will be paid by our society. These scholarships are our effort to find and develop these talents, which might otherwise be unrecognized and underdeveloped, for the betterment of society.

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Scott Guild Memorial Fund

Scott Guild Memorial Fund

Born in Wyoming in 1955, Scott graduated from UC Davis in 1978 with a degree in animal science and came to Humboldt County to work as a ranch hand in Ferndale. There he met Linda and together they moved to the Russ Ranch on Snow Camp Road. Later, Scott took classes at HSU to sit for the CPA exam and went on to work at Aalfs, Evans & Company for many years, including 24 as a partner. Most important in Scott's life were his children Rogan and Katelyn. He raised them with the values he lived by: honesty, integrity, and a strong work ethic. Scott coached T-ball and basketball, and he was a member of the Rotary Club of Eureka and the Freshwater School Board of Trustees. Scott was a lecturer at HSU and was pursuing a master's degree in order to teach full time. This scholarship supports students pursuing an accounting degree. (2014)

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Sequoia Park Playground Improvement Fund

Sequoia Park Playground Improvement Fund

The purpose of the Sequoia Park Playground Improvement Fund is to raise funds to address park deficiencies by providing increased access and diverse recreational opportunities reflected in the Upper Meadow Conceptual Design. The fund gives businesses, residents, neighborhood groups, and park advocates an opportunity to make a difference in their parks and to build community, foster stewardship, and leverage resources to improve Eureka's vital public spaces. The fund was established to provide a mechanism for private donations to support this project. Donations may also be used to leverage additional funding by demonstrating strong community support and improving the competitiveness of applications for state or federal funding. Become a part of Eureka?s history. Help the City of Eureka and countless other volunteers and donors to take Sequoia Park into the next century and beyond. (2016) (updated 2021)

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Sequoia Park Zoo Animal Enrichment Fund

Sequoia Park Zoo Animal Enrichment Fund

Animal Enrichment Fund supports the Zoo’s animal enrichment program and includes funding for social, nutritional, sensory, occupational, and physical enrichment that stimulates and encourages natural behaviors.

Animal Enrichment Fund supports our animals' wellbeing, health, and wellness and may include puzzle and timed feeders, food and treats, materials and supplies, species-specific “toys” and “play” structures, modifications to a habitat, and other animal enrichment items

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Sequoia Park Zoo Condor Care Fund

Sequoia Park Zoo Condor Care Fund

Condor Care Fund supports the Sequoia Park Zoo's care for wild California condors and may include chelation and medical treatments, maintenance and improvements to the Zoo's Condor Care Center, transportation of condors to other facilities and sites, equipment and staff trainings, and other necessary condor care items.

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Sequoia Park Zoo Conservation Fund

Sequoia Park Zoo Conservation Fund

Sequoia Park Zoo Conservation Fund supports conservation-related programs, projects, events, and activities that advance and promote the Zoo’s mission and conservation initiatives.

Sequoia Park Zoo Conservation Fund includes funding for the Zoo’s annual Conservation Lecture Series, conservation grant awards, mission-based events, habitat research and restoration activities, and carefully selected conservation organizations, animal rehabilitation facilities, and conservation programs that connect to the animals in our care.

Sequoia Park Zoo Conservation Fund has supported the Native Plants Initiative, Party for the Planet, Red Panda Network, Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care, and AZA’s Saving Animals From Extinction (SAFE).

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Sequoia Park Zoo Everyone’s Zoo Fund

Sequoia Park Zoo Everyone’s Zoo Fund

Everyone's Zoo Fund supports the equitable access programs at Sequoia Park Zoo.

Everyone's Zoo Fund includes funding for the Everyone's Zoo Library Program, in which family passes to
Sequoia Park Zoo are made available for "check out" at Humboldt County library branches.

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Sequoia Park Zoo Fund

Sequoia Park Zoo Fund

Sequoia Park Zoo Fund supports the operations, programs, projects, and initiatives of the Sequoia Park Zoo.

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Sequoia Park Zoo Hilfiker & Nicholson Aviary Fund

Sequoia Park Zoo Hilfiker & Nicholson Aviary Fund

Sequoia Park Zoo Hilfiker & Nicholson Aviary Fund supports the care and maintenance of, and renovations to, the Zoo's free flight Nancy Hilfiker Aviary.
The Nancy Hilfiker free-flight aviary invites guests to observe and learn about some of the amazing birds that call Sequoia Park Zoo home. The Nancy Hilfiker Aviary houses a diverse population of birds from across the globe, including the African gray parrot, spotted whistling duck, white-crested laughing thrush, scarlet ibis, golden pheasant, and more. Keen observers might even catch a glimpse of the cotton-top tamarns enjoying their special outdoor patio attached to the Aviary.

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Sequoia Park Zoo Redwood Skywalk Fund

Sequoia Park Zoo Redwood Skywalk Fund

Redwood Sky Walk Everlasting Fund supports the care and maintenance of the Redwood Sky Walk and may include improvements and repairs, inspectors and arborists, interpretive elements and signage, and all components of the structure including trees, bridges, platforms, railing, decking, netting, and hardware.

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Social Work and Elder Support Scholarship

Social Work and Elder Support Scholarship

The Social Work and Elder Support Scholarship Fund was established in 2016 by Robin Wolff, LCSW, who has supported frail, older, impoverished adults in the local Humboldt County community for over 20 years. This scholarship is designed to support social work students at Humboldt State University who want to commit to working with older adults in the local area. Robin wants to dedicate this scholarship to the memory and generosity of her parents and hopes to inspire all of us to care more about our local elders. (2016)

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Sonny Viggers Memorial Scholarship Fund

Sonny Viggers Memorial Scholarship Fund

Chances are if you have ever attended a sporting event at Fortuna High School in the last 55 years, you would see a familiar face in the stands or in the sidelines rooting on the Huskies. Sonny Viggers was a constant and ultimate fan, watching and rooting on the players and challenging the refs calls. No matter what , win or lose he would be right there the next game cheering on the Huskies. Sonnys friends and family have come together to keep his memory alive by starting the Sonny Viggers Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is designated for an athlete that shows exemplary leadership, sportsmanship, and pride to wear the white and blue Husky pride. Over the years Fortuna has shown a number of athletes who have gone on to have outstanding collegiate careers at the junior college and university level. The purpose of this scholarship is to help the chosen athlete pursue his or dreams of playing at the next level. Someone who is a team player, motivator, and is always representing Fortuna High School at its highest level. A small panel of people along with input from the coaching staff and teachers will look at performance on and off the field when choosing a recipient for the Sonny Viggers Memorial Scholarship. Thank you for your interest in keeping Sonnys dream of supporting local athletes alive for years to come.

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Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare Foundation

Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare Foundation

SoHum Health Foundation and this fund support the Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District in providing high quality healthcare services to residents of Southern Humboldt County. Access to modern medical care in Southern Humboldt is a vital part of our community infrastructure and the well-being of those we serve, especially to those getting to and accessing services. Every minute counts when the unexpected happens. SoHum Health saves lives by delivering the most advanced healthcare technologies possible, including emergency services, radiology, CT, mammography, home health visits, primary care and skilled nursing. Two past foundation projects are SoHum Health Courtyard Beautification and Wheelchairs for Skilled Nursing Facility Residents. Gifts to the fund will improve the quality of life for residents of Southern Humboldt, and allow them to live and thrive in the community we all love. (2019)

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Southern Humboldt Schools Foundation Endowment Fund

Southern Humboldt Schools Foundation Endowment Fund

The Southern Humboldt Schools Foundation Endowment Fund was established in February of 1994 to improve and enhance the education of students in the Southern Humboldt Unified School District. Through gifts and bequests to this fund, a perpetual source of assistance has been established for programs and projects not funded by the school district's budget. (1994)

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Spay Neuter Access Fund

Spay Neuter Access Fund

The purpose of this the Spay Neuter Access Fund is to support charitable work in the Humboldt Area Foundation + Wild Rivers Community Foundation service area, in particular to promote and make available affordable spay and neuter surgeries and wellness care for owned animals and community cats. This may include, but is not limited to, capital improvements for spay and neuter facilities, including new construction and facility and equipment upgrades; operation of mobile or MASH-style clinics; and subsidizing spay and neuter surgeries at local veterinary clinics.

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Supporting Science Fund

Supporting Science Fund

The fund will provide support to natural science-oriented programs, including environmental science, and made available to various organizations & projects located in HAF+WRCF services areas and Mendocino County. The main goal is to support, improve, or help establish natural science oriented scientific endeavors. This could include supporting workshops/conferences or to assist educators and students with new projects that will inform people about the following subjects: Biology (including biodiversity, ecology, marine biology, evolution, and botany), geology, astronomy, paleontology, and chemistry specifically. This fund can also be used to support expenses such as field trips, or scientific supplies (ex: microscopes, telescopes, kits, field/lab equipment, etc.) that will educate participants engaged in one or more of the above-mentioned subjects.

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Susan Freeman Science Scholarship Fund

Susan Freeman Science Scholarship Fund

Susan Freeman, a well-known local educator, was a graduate of the University of California at Davis. Sue believed in education and had a passion for the sciences. Sue received her master's degree and administrator's credential from Humboldt State University. She was a popular science teacher at Sunnybrae Middle School for 16 years and was the assistant principal at Zane Middle School for the last two years of her life. During her teaching career, Sue was honored with the Excellence in Education award given to outstanding Humboldt County teachers. She was selected by the National Science Foundation to participate at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Massachusetts, the Marine Research Field Expedition in Key Largo, FL, and to work with the Monterey Bay Aquarium doing research in Baja California. Sue was also an athlete, a NCAA tennis champion, and she rode the 100-mile Tour of the Unknown Coast and in the Kinetic Sculpture Race. Hope through science was Sue's philosophy. (2002)

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The Angel Fund

The Angel Fund

The Angel Fund provides fast financial assistance to Humboldt County families for health and medical needs. 100% of donations made to this fund directly assist community members in need. The Angel Fund Committee meets weekly to consider grant requests made on behalf of an individual or family, serving all ages, from infants to seniors. (1999)

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The Father Eric Freed Peace & Justice Award Fund

The Father Eric Freed Peace & Justice Award Fund

The Freed Peace & Justice Award was established to honor the memory and continue the legacy of Father Eric, whose life was dedicated to fostering peace and justice both in the community and in the classroom. Father Eric loved being both priest and scholar, loved the balance of learning and service that it brought to his life. This award is given annually to a graduating religious studies major at HSU who has worked to develop a similar balance by following questions of peace and justice in his or her scholarly life, and by entering into a professionalized life dedicated to the betterment of our world. The goal of the award is to honor Father Eric's immeasurable influence on our community and university by helping young scholars as they work to establish postgraduate lives of thoughtful service. (2016)

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The Hansen Family Trust, Christian Endowment Fund

Chris S. Hansen, who died in 2002, created this fund as a testamentary gift to honor his family members who preceded him in death: his wife Frances; his parents, Nick and Mary; and his three brothers, Harold, Melvin, and Roy. Fund expenditures are made with the advice of family, local Lutheran pastors, and a financial advisor. The fund was established to benefit the local Christian ministries of Eureka and Humboldt County with emphasis given to the Lutheran Church. Chris expressed a desire to help both youth and senior activities equally. The fund is also intended to help missionary activity abroad including but not limited to ELCA World Hunger and World Vision missions. Grants requested for capital investment, administrative funds, and annual funds will be considered on a limited basis. (2002)

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The Jordan Andrew “Almonds” Miesbauer Memorial Fund

This fund will support the health & well-being field of interest in all of the Foundation's service areas. The field of interest will include: mental health, accessibility, the LGBTQ+ community, unhoused population, and career help.

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The Littlefield Family Foundation

The Littlefield Family Foundation was created by Rick & Betty Littlefield in 2023 to support worthy causes in our community, our state, our nation and the world at large. This financial support is meant to be spread widely to diverse organizations to achieve their goals at home and abroad. Such causes may include support for sustainable living, youth and senior activities, trails maintenance and environmental cleanups, partnerships with Rotary and other service clubs, microfinance organizations such as KIVA and many other other organizations as yet to be determined. (2023

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The Patenaude-Juell-Hart Masonic Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship has been created by Six Rivers Masonic Lodge in memory of three of their Masonic brothers who dedicated their careers to public education---Clyde Patenaude, Leonard Juell, and Bruce Hart---all of whom taught for many years in Arcata and nearby communities. (2010)

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Tom & Marilynn Bartlett Stand Down Fund

Tom & Marilynn Bartlett Stand Down Fund

As a member of "the greatest generation," Tom was proud to serve with the Army during WWII. After the war, he felt a special compassion for fellow veterans. Tom's family created this fund to honor him by supporting the annual North Coast Stand Down event which provides much needed help for local veterans of all wars, especially the homeless and their families. After his Army years, Tom graduated from Cal Berkeley, became an optometrist, married Marilynn, and was blessed to have four children, five grandchildren, and a host of friends. Tom loved the North Coast area's opportunities to hunt, fish, play tennis, ski, and travel to other parts of the world. For years, he and his father, as veterans, helped to place small American flags on the graves of each local serviceman or woman to celebrate Memorial Day. Thomas Bernard Bartlett died on Memorial Day, May 28, 2007. (2007)

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Travis McKinley Dow Memorial Scholarship Fund

Travis McKinley Dow Memorial Scholarship Fund

Travis started his first band The River while at HSU. Graduating in 1994 he married his college sweetheart at Fieldbrook Winery in a storybook wedding. Inspired by the beauty of the area he began writing songs. A prolific and talented singer-songwriter, he won multiple awards, fronted five bands, signed a contract with Jericho Records for his San Francisco band Cal Hollow, and recorded three albums with the Katie Todd Band in Chicago and several original CDs. Travis co-created and penned two albums with Portland's Concrete Cowboys and wrote the musical theatre piece, Fate of Dreams, with Will Foreman, sharing his creative quest with others. Cancer took his life on his forty-first birthday. The scholarship enables students to fulfill their dreams of a career in the arts. "Something unique happens when songwriters collaborate---their souls touch, changing things from the ordinary to the sublime." -- Travis Dow (2013)

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Trinity County Library Benefit Fund

Two funds were established in 2004 in response to drastic reductions to the county library budget. To ensure the survival of the three public libraries serving Trinity County, the funds are administered by a steering committee of the Trinity County Friends of the Library. Donations may be made to both funds. The library's immediate needs will be served by the Trinity County Library Benefit Fund, including regular contributions from library supporters and proceeds from fundraising benefits. Present unmet library needs, such as building the library's database and providing substitute staff to keep facilities open, are being subsidized from this fund. The Friends continue to raise additional funds to spend directly on books, subscriptions, equipment, and supplies. (2004)

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Trinity Trust Endowment Fund

Trinity Trust Endowment Fund

The Trinity Trust is a permanent endowment for the exclusive use of Trinity County residents. This fund was created with a gift from Trinity County residents, with additional funds provided by Reverend Charles H. Baldwin and an anonymous donor. (1998)

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Ultimate Equity Scholarship

Ultimate Equity Scholarship

Cate Roscoe created this fund in 2008 with money left by her father Stanley "Neb" Roscoe to originally provide two scholarships inspired by two of her first students. In 2020, these scholarships were commuted into the Ultimate Equity Scholarship with the intent of supporting and empowering increased diversity and equity in the sport of Ultimate (often called Ultimate Frisbee). As a teacher and a member of marginalized communities, Cate has always been committed to decolonizing education and dismantling the white supremacist patriarchy. However, as a 20+ year veteran of elite club and professional Ultimate, she recognized her blindness to the inequities in her majority white sport, resulting in the creation of the Ultimate Equity Scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to incoming and returning college Ultimate players from underrepresented, marginalized groups, and to those who are active in equity activism. (2008)

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Vivian & Leonard Goodwin Endowment Fund

Vivian & Leonard Goodwin Endowment Fund

The Rowdy Creek Fish Hatchery is a nonprofit ecological project working to increase and perpetuate the native runs of steelhead and Chinook salmon in the Smith River, which is the last free-flowing river in California. The fish hatchery was built in 1968 entirely with donated funds, labor, and materials. The property was donated and the hatchery sits at the confluence of Dominie and Rowdy creeks. The Vivian & Leonard Goodwin Endowment Fund was established to benefit the Rowdy Creek Fish Hatchery. Mr. Goodwin, who founded the fund, passed away on August 16, 2006. He was preceded in death by his wife of 61 years, Vivian. (2006)

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Wendell Adams Memorial Fund

Wendell Adams Memorial Fund

Wendell Adams, former owner-manager of KINS Radio, was active in broadcasting associations and volunteered in a leadership capacity for local service and fraternal organizations. The income from this fund is used for Eureka Rotary Club exchange students. (1986)

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Which Way the Wind Fund

Which Way the Wind Fund

Which Way the Wind organization and its festival were initially created in 2018 to draw attention to the threat of nuclear proliferation. Today the organization actively addresses the nexus between nuclear weapons, global warming, and environmental degradation. Our goal is to engage the Humboldt Community through the arts to advocate and support actions for peace and increase awareness of the perils and costs of nuclear weapons and global climate threats. Your tax-deductible contribution will support the Which Way the Wind Festival, October 7-15, 2022, at Synapsis, Eureka. More information about the fund and the Festival is available at (2022)

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William P. & Ruth R. Gross Fund

William P. & Ruth R. Gross Fund

Bill and Ruth Gross came to Humboldt County from Oregon in 1957. They spent their early years together in the sawmill business until a fire destroyed their sawmill in Redwood Valley. Starting from scratch, they both attended seminars and took classes in real estate at College of the Redwoods. They have been involved successfully in real estate development ever since. Because of their own community involvement and their support of the interests of their children, Bill and Ruth Gross established this expendable fund to support the Salvation Army, Hospice of Humboldt, and the St. Joseph Hospital chaplaincy program. William Gross passed away on December 31, 2006. (1999)

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Worker Bees Fund

Worker Bees Fund

Lois Leskinen retired from Humboldt Area Foundation in 2001 to move to Oregon with her husband Arne. Born and raised in Humboldt County, Lois graduated from Eureka High School and Clarke Secretarial College. Her first job was as a long distance telephone operator during WWII, where she enjoyed talking to "all of the guys calling home." For 32 years, Lois worked as office manager for the California State Automobile Association. She volunteered locally at Alice Birney and Lincoln schools and the American Cancer Society Discovery Shop. Lois established the Worker Bees Fund with an initial gift from Humboldt Area Foundation board member Mary Ann Spencer. HAF serves as advisor to this expendable fund intended to support a variety of charitable purposes in Humboldt and Del Norte counties, primarily those that improve the lives of children, youth, and their families. The Strope family contributed gifts made in memory of Glady Strope to this fund in 2006. Lois Leskinen passed away on March 19, 2012. (2001)

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