$200K in grants to 10 community organizations

In July, HAF+WRCF distributed nearly $200,000 in grants to groups in Humboldt, Trinity, Del Norte and Curry counties in its ongoing effort to build a healthy, just and equitable region where community members and families can thrive.

Ten organizations across HAF+WRCF’s four-county service region received grants ranging from $3,000 to $30,000, for a total of $199,593. Recipients include those with projects and programs supporting emergency response/preparation, the arts, food and nutrition security, education, BIPOC/LGBTQIA+ artists, public health, and diversity and equity training.

Grants were made from HAF + WRCF’s Disaster Response and Resiliency Fund and from a Strategy Grant round in July this year. 

“These Strategy Grant recipients each demonstrate a deep connection to their communities and an unwavering commitment to elevating diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging,” said HAF+WRCF’s Director of Grantmaking Meredith Knowles. “It is an honor to support these organizations that provide such important leadership for so many in our region.”

The Disaster Response & Resilience Fund supports organizations in Humboldt, Trinity, Del Norte, and Curry counties, as well as adjoining Tribal lands during current and future disasters, including fires, earthquakes, flooding, and other natural and man-made disasters. 

“As our region responds to and prepares for disasters, organizations like the Del Norte and Tribal Lands Community Food Council and the Hyampom Center play an instrumental role in the recovery from disasters and in building resiliency for the future,” Knowles said.

Grants recipients:

  • Humboldt Community Access and Resource Center, for HCAR Clinical Services expansion.
  • HC Black Music and Arts Association, forHarambee Cultural Center.
  • Del Norte and Tribal Lands Community Food Council, for capacity building resources.
  • Del Norte and Tribal Lands Community Food Council, to establish an emergency feeding task force and create a Del Norte community disaster coalition.
  • Open Door Community Health Centers, for Gardens and Food Resources Program.
  • North Country Fair, for local BIPOC/LGBTQIA+ Artist Stipends for fair’s 50th anniversary.
  • Cal Poly Humboldt, for Pelican Bay State Prison Bachelor’s program.
  • Open Door Community Health Centers, for diversity, equity, belonging training/testing.
  • LatinoNet, for capacity building and general operating support.
  • Hyampom Center, for emergency supplies so the center can serve as a disaster center.

HAF+WRCF’s grant programs, funded by its generous donors and community partners, are designed to assist groups and projects in Humboldt, Del Norte, Curry, and Trinity counties that focus on promoting a thriving, just, healthy, and equitable region. Learn more at hafoundation.org, via email grants@hafoundation.org or call 707-442-2993.

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