Holly Hensher
Senior Program Officer
Programs & Community Partnerships
Originally from Forks of Salmon, coming from the Karuk and Konomihu people, I spent my youth in both Siskiyou and Humboldt County. I’m the proud mother of two sons and I make my home in McKinleyville.
As a child I found myself alongside my family advocating for the health of our environment and communities, as a teenager and an emerging basket weaver I became more involved in advocating for access to culturally significant resources and lands. I’ve spent my career advocating for the health of our environment, children, families and community. I’ve worked to protect the graves of our people and return home the remains of our ancestors and cultural items held by museums and agencies. I was fortunate to be able to work in the Tribal Communities in Humboldt, Del Norte and Siskiyou County to address concerns around food insecurities and youth programs. I have also had the humbling experience of being a support person for victims of violent crime as they navigate the justice system. I was able to bring the voice of the underserved communities in our area to the development of curriculum and programs that serve victims of violent crime. It has been my honor to be a member of various interdisciplinary collaborations including the Northern California Tribal Healing Coalition, the Intertribal Tribal Women’s Advocacy Network and the Native Cultures Fund Advisory Board.
In my new position as a Senior Program Officer in Programs & Community Partnerships I’m excited to have the opportunity to continue working towards racial equity, thriving youth and families, a healthy ecosystem and environment, as well as a just economy and economic development.