Fundholder Resources

Donor Support

Our donor services team is here to support you. Contact us at or 707-267-9903 for administrative assistance, help with grantmaking from your fund, questions about charitable giving and current community needs, or anything else we might assist with.

We provide the following services for all fund holders:

  • Professional advice on the establishment and structure of your fund
  • Statements for each fund including investment activity, itemized lists of donations to the fund, itemized lists of disbursements/grants from the fund
  • Honorary and memorial gift notifications
  • Donation receipts (meeting IRS standards) for contributions to the fund
  • Direct forwarding of thank you letters from grantees
  • Management of required IRS annual tax returns filed on behalf of the fund’s activity
  • Inclusion of all funds in the Foundation’s annual audit
  • Inclusion of the fund description in Humboldt Area Foundation’s Annual Yearbook, which has a circulation of 13,000, and in our online fund listing
  • Professional charitable planned giving and estate planning assistance and referrals
  • Upon request, the Foundation will assist with press conferences, social media or a press release at the fund’s inception

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