Paik-Nicely Ohana Legacy Fund
Marylyn Paik-Nicely was director of Humboldt State University's MultiCultural Center for nearly 20 years. She worked with students on social justice programs, leadership development and cultural celebrations. She described being director as "the job made in heaven just for me!" In 2015, Marylyn retired. Her son Tyler established this fund to honor her legacy and to see it continue. Ohana is family. In Hawai'i, family goes beyond blood relations. Ohana includes hanai children, part of your family because of the aloha and love shared; the aunties and uncles who love and care about us; and the Tutu Kane (grandfathers) and Tutu Wahine (grandmothers) who "adopted" us into their families and cultures. Ohana is community. The fund supports social justice programs, cultural celebrations and projects that raise awareness of history, language, and traditions of our Indigenous Communities. It also supports programs for students affected by the country's immigration policy or DACA.
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