Endowment for Eco-Cultural Revitalization Fund
This fund is dedicated to program support for Tribal partnerships focusing on eco-cultural revitalization activities. Its focus is to reconnect the hearts, hands, and minds of people to the natural environment. The cultural relationships of indigenous peoples with their ancestral homeland environments are becoming more imperiled with each generation. Indigenous knowledge is founded in practice and belief; without being a component of ecosystem process, the functional role of humans is removed from our landscapes. Traditional Ecological Knowledge, practice, and belief systems can be revitalized, and it may be our best chance at learning to live with fire in our rural communities once again. It is with great hope this fund will grow to support our work in the western Klamath Mountains and beyond. When you think of water, fish, wildlife, plants, and people in partnership with ecosystem processes and functions, please support this endowment fund. (2016)
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