Betty Chinn Fund for the Homeless
Betty grew up homeless in China, but for the past 25 years she has been a tireless advocate and caretaker to Humboldt County's homeless and underserved populations. Twice a day, nearly 365 days a year, Betty delivers meals and coffee to hundreds of people. Betty also provides toiletries, clothing, phone cards, bus tickets, blankets, and a host of other items. In addition, Betty supports the St. Vincent de Paul--Betty Chinn public showers and is currently focusing on developing Betty's Place: a community center where the homeless can find comfort and connect to community. In 2008, California First Lady Maria Shriver presented Betty with the prestigious Minerva Award. In 2010, President Obama gave Betty the second highest civilian honor in the US, the Presidential Citizens Medal. Betty will be the first to say that it is the generous community that enables her outreach. All funds go directly to serving those in need. Visit bettysblueangel.com. (2008)
Donate to Betty Chinn Fund for the Homeless