Donors Support “Care Closets” for Del Norte Students 

Compilation of various clothes, food, school supply, and health items in closets
Compilation of various clothes, food, school supply, and health items in closets at the Joe Hamilton Elementary School. Photo Courtesy Pamela Wilder.

The Care Closet Project is a community support program operated by the Del Norte County Office of Education/Unified School District (DNCOE). This year, the program received a $10,000 grant from the Community Assistance League Community Health Fund. 

The Care Closet Project ensures every student in Del Norte County has equitable access to essential items to help support and increase student attendance and achievement. Care Closets provide students with school supplies, hygiene and personal care products, cold-weather items like coats and gloves, and basic clothing essentials such as undergarments and socks.  

“This year, we proudly donated to the care closets at local schools, which provide essential supplies to keep kids healthy, comfortable, and ready to learn,” says Deja Wakefield, a member of the advisory committee for the fund. “By supporting these closets, we’re helping ensure that all students have access to basic hygiene and wellness items so that they can focus on their education and well-being.”  

Joe Hamilton Elementary School hosted the first Care Closet in the spring of 2023, and district members have been working on expanding the program throughout the 2023-2024 school year. Currently, there are 13 Care Closets throughout Del Norte County, located at each school site as well as at the Epicenter, which houses the district’s supportive services like Early Childhood Education (preschools), Title VI Indian Education, Redwood Coast Indian Career Pathways (RCICP), and Foster & Homeless Youth Services.  

“What sets this project apart is that a student does not need to be considered ‘eligible’ or meet certain criteria to access items from their school site closets,” says Pamela Wilder, Director of Foster & Homeless Youth Services for the district. 

Read through more highlights from the 2023-2024 HAF+WRCF Annual Report and Yearbook.

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