Programs & Affiliates

We support programs with a goal of improving the well being of vulnerable and historically marginalized communities. This work is undertaken by networks of leaders from a variety of perspectives and experiences. Our role can vary from serving as occasional facilitators and conveners to providing dedicated staff support for long periods.

We do this work with resources from a combination of directed gifts from donors, grants from partner foundations, and fees for service support.

Visit the Del Norte Nonprofit Alliance

We have a vision of a

Thriving, Just, Healthy,
and Equitable Region.

Equity Alliance of the North Coast

Equity Alliance  »

A multi-year initiative that invites institutions, nonprofits, businesses, and individuals to take on the racial inequities that cause harm to many families and communities in our region.

Humboldt Heath Foundation

Humboldt Heath
Foundation  »

The Humboldt Health Foundation partners with Humboldt Area Foundation to improve the health and well-being of the residents and communities of Humboldt County.

Native Cultures Fund logo

Native Cultures Fund  »

Since 2002 the Humboldt Area Foundation has partnered with the Native Cultures Fund to help support grassroots efforts for Native cultural revitalization.

Redwood CORE Hub logo

Redwood CORE Hub  »

An environmentally-focused community organization with a mission to help Northern California and Southern Oregon transition into a decarbonized and resilient region.

The Trinity Trust logo

The Trinity Trust  »

Created by the residents of Trinity County as a collection of funds that create a permanent endowment for the benefit of the residents of Trinity County, California.

Building Healthy
Communities  »

The Del Norte and Tribal Lands Building Heathy Communities is one of 14 across the state and is dedicated to creating and supporting health equity.

Klamath River Fund  »

A first-of-its-kind fund established to explicitly support the health and restoration of Klamath Basin ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.

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