‘Aa-wok Georgiana Trull passed away on Oct. 16, 2008 at the age of 92. She was born in Sregon Village, on the Yurok Reservation to Melissa and Charlie Myers. ‘Aa-wok Georgiana went to school at Pecwan, Morek, Hoopa, and Riverside Boarding School. She was a welder in San Diego, a fish filleter at Lazio’s in Eureka, and for the last 40 years a teacher of the Yurok language for the Yurok Tribe.
The ‘Aa-wok Georgiana Trull Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to honor the work and life of ‘Aa-wok Georgiana Trull. ‘Aa-wok Georgiana spent more than 40 years of her life dedicated to revitalization of the Yurok language, contributing to an alphabet and publishing a conversation dictionary. Funds support CA Native people actively engaged in Indigenous language revitalization.
Federally and non-federally recognized CA Indigenous people are eligible to apply.
The scholarship is open to students who will be actively enrolled in and attending two or four year universities, graduate school programs, or trade school.
Students chosen for support will receive at least $2,500 in financial support.
The application portal for the ‘Aa-wok Georgiana Trull Memorial Scholarship opens in winter, with a due date of March 31 annually.
How to Apply:
The application is a part of our online application portal, Scholarship Finder.
You will need to apply through that portal. If you have any trouble in using the online portal or unable to complete the application, please contact our staff for assistance.
- If you don’t already have one, create an account in our online application portal.
- For ease, Log In to your account before clicking the link below.
- Complete your application in the portal.
- Please note that the link below will take you to the application, but you must be logged-in to see the application and complete/submit your application. If you are not logged in it will take you to a landing page with all our current scholarships. Scroll down to the Aawok Georgiana Trull Memorial Scholarship and click on the blue Apply button.
- IMPORTANT: You are being asked to create a video with a mentor for submission. Please allow time to complete your video before the submission deadline. Instructions and conversation prompts are included in the application.
Please contact the NCF team at any time if you have questions or need assistance in applying, nativecultures@hafoundation.org or (707) 267-9906.
If you would like to contribute to this fund, please contact our staff, or click on the link below.
If you would like to see the conversation dictionary that ‘Aa-wok Georgiana wrote, you can find a digital copy on the as a part of the Yurok Language Project in the Berkeley Archives: Conversation Dictionary
If you have any questions, please contact the NCF team at nativecultures@hafoundation.org or (707) 267-9906.