Celebrating 25 years of community work.
Supporting California Indian culture bearers, artists, lifeways, and knowledge transmission.
Initiated and lead by Native peoples, the Native Cultures Fund is a partnership between Native Nations, the Humboldt Area Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and other donors. The program supports the transmission of knowledge between generations through renaissance of California Native art culture, sacred sites, and language development.

Founded by California Indian leaders and Native led, the Native Cultures Fund (NCF) has practiced community grantmaking and program development at Humboldt Area Foundation since 2002.

NCF convenes two granting rounds per year, in spring and fall. Deadlines for 2025 are May 1 and October 15. NCF grants range between $1,000 and $10,000, with most grants falling between $1,000 – $5,000.

NCF is home to a few scholarship opportunities for Indigenous students, including The Jack Montoya Memorial Scholarship and the ‘Aa-wok Georgiana Trull Memorial Scholarship. Click below for more information about our scholarship opportunities.

The Native Cultures Fund (NCF) gratefully accepts donations of all sizes to be used to support Native cultural and community health in California. The funds go directly to Native led grants and program.