Our goal is to ensure that 100 percent of DNATL youth learn to build skills and make positive changes in their community while connected to meaningful relationships and a resilient network of support by 2023.
Youth Organizing: Build a movement of young people around health equity that are in relationship with community and have a platform for their voices to be heard.
Trauma Informed Healing: Cities, counties and tribes recognize the toxic effects of trauma, prioritize youth development and resilience, and shift the balance of public investment from punishment and incarceration to health and prevention.
Youth Media: Use storytelling to build empathy and share community successes to spread hope through the voices of young people.

Youth Workforce and Leadership:
Summer Youth Training Academy: An annual 5-week program designed to develop young leaders and grow a skilled future workforce. Youth starting 10th grade through age 24 participate in hands-on career exploration in one of seven pathways, including Early Childhood Development, health care, food access, media, ecotourism and organizing and leadership.
We also collaborate with the Del Norte County Workforce Center’s E3 program, which offers high school juniors and seniors opportunities to work for and receive mentorship from local businesses. Youth receive a week of classroom training and then placed with local businesses for four weeks of hands-on job experience.