Equity Alliance of the North Coast

To create the world we all deserve, we are working to address all dimensions of racial inequity—inspiring people, organizations and institutions to make positive change from the inside out.

What is inequity?

Inequity is different than inequality. The term “inequity” recognizes that different groups are situated with different advantages and needs in society.  So inequity occurs because not everyone has access tailored to what they need to succeed. Equity involves trying to understand people’s situations and, based on their unique circumstances, tailoring access to what they need  to enjoy full, healthy lives. Equality, in contrast, aims to ensure that everyone gets the same things in order to enjoy full, healthy lives. Like equity, equality aims to promote fairness and justice, but it can only work if everyone starts from the same place and needs the same things.  

(From the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Race Equity and Inclusion Action Guide.)

How do we know inequity is an issue in Humboldt County?

Humboldt County prides itself on being a very connected and welcoming community. The truth is that many people of color in Humboldt communities feel unsafe, unwelcome and experience discrimination — in short, their experiences are not equitable to those of people who identify as white. Most of us don’t want that to be true. However, we can’t change this unless we understand how these differences manifest individually, institutionally and collectively, and address racial inequities across organizations and at every level of society. That’s why we have taken on a multi-year initiative to do just that: The Equity Alliance of the North Coast. 

Data Shows Equitable, Racially Diverse Companies Outperform Their Peers.


Data Shows Health Disparities for Native Americans in Humboldt County.


Data Shows a Wealth and Achievement Gap in Humboldt County Schools.


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